By: Revanche

I’m such a bag lady

September 11, 2007

Sorting through my bottom drawer at work has become nearly impossible: the bags have taken over. It’s normally pretty empty as I prefer to maintain a Zen desk environment so that I could be gone tomorrow and not worry about what I’ve left behind. But now I realize I’d miss my Trader Joe’s bag that’s so handy for carrying take-out home on the train (it coddles the take-out rather than spilling it everywhere) and the handy Guess bag that’s got nice braided cord for handles and holds a book, water bottle, and small Tupperware box, or the endless plastic bags that I can’t bear to throw out because we’re going to need it someday. Or because they should be recycled. Yeah, I’m a bag lady.

Just last night, at home, I had to steel myself to sort and dispose of renegade plastic bag bullets that have crept out of their designated bin due to overflow, and snuck into every container in my room. The most insidious thing about the whole plastic bag thing is of my own devising. I’ve developed this method of flattening, twisting, and typing the bags into uniform bullets of bag. It’s good because they don’t take up much room. It’s bad because you can’t actually tell what size the bag is, so you could untie about a dozen bags before you found a not-tiny one. Maybe it’s time to just take a tote with me everywhere I shop and refuse all plastic bags wherever I shop. Er, except for Target bags, they’re large with just the right amount of stretch so they fit perfectly over my trash can lip.

4 Responses to “I’m such a bag lady”

  1. What I do is actually throw out the very small bags that I know will be useless for anything else, and keep the others…

    You could go a step further and IKEA-fy. šŸ˜› Buy those plastic bag dispenser plastic storage things (the long tubes with holes), and sort them by size – one for smallish medium, one for medium, one for large.. if you were so inclined šŸ™‚

  2. Ms. M&P says:

    lol! this whole post just made me laugh. I’m fortunate to not have a bag problem, but I admire your efficiency with the storage šŸ˜‰

  3. ~Fab~ The sad part is that I resisted those dispensers in an attempt to be frugal and deny the fact that I have a problem.

    But I have a problem. šŸ˜‰

    ~Ms. M&P~ If only it were just bags and not a packrat mentality. I’m just most neurotic about bags. I’ll even find myself tying up bags at other people’s houses!

  4. Anonymous says:

    LOL Is bag tying an Asian thing? I used to do it until my friend noticed I did it and then bought me a plastic bag holder thing. So I use it now šŸ™ I think she thought I was silly. Funny thing is that my bags were neat and hers are stuffed in the bottom of a pantry!

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