By: Revanche

A digital camera now seems like a good investment

December 4, 2007

As we search for photos of A, I realize that I have so few photos. Not just of him, but of the past several years. At some point I stopped valuing the memories as much because I didn’t want to spend the money on a camera. I always thought it wasn’t a big deal; someone would take pictures, probably, and I could look at theirs.

Over the weekend, A’s college friends came by with a beautiful photo album they’d made containing photos from the last few years, from his trips to other countries and most recently to Hawaii, and it made me so wistful.

How I wish I’d sprung for a camera years ago and continued my photographing frenzy from high school and our first year of college. During college, it was a big joke among my crowd that everyone always had a camera, and with eight to ten photographers, I assumed we’d have duplicates of every picture.

Eventually, the picture taking dwindled in the face of greater distances, fewer gatherings, and seemingly less intense comradery. It took this tragedy to remind me that there are times I’d regret not spending money.

I didn’t need a digital SLR, but a simple point and shoot would have preserved so many of our experiences and I wouldn’t have to rely just on fond reminiscences.

3 Responses to “A digital camera now seems like a good investment”

  1. You’re making me wish I’d taken more pictures with my camera… šŸ˜ I have it but I rarely use it.

  2. SavingDiva says:

    I have a digital camera, but I really haven’t used it that much…when I was in college, I couldn’t part with my camera…now I find that I only pull it out for special occassions which are few and far between.

  3. ~FB~ I wouldn’t have thought that of you, you’re so great about posting photos on your blog.

    ~savingdiva~ That’s pretty much how it feels now, and I’m resolved to change that. I suppose it’s a weirdly morbid thought, in a way, but it can’t hurt.

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