By: Revanche

Ahoy, the sleep madness!

March 21, 2008

It’s official: I’m beyond tired. I’m stupid-tired. That means ….

1) It’s stupid that I’m this tired from 11 hour days, I used to do 14 hour days, 5-7 days a week for months on end. Seriously. I’ve worked 7 days in a row, and that’s really not bad for the state of affairs in the office right now. The boss is in much worse shape.
2) I’m in a huge mental fog. I’m saying stupid things ALL the time.
3) Everything seems funny. Stupid things seem hilarious.

Speaking of funny things, a friend sent me to this site to check out this actual poster for an actual church:

“In a (successful [and adorable]) attempt to capitalize on the continued popularity of the Nintendo Wii, the Mission Bay Community Church in San Francisco has adorned their ads for holy week with the pint-sized Jesus Mii.

Christened with the tagline “Come and Follow Mii,” and including a very confused bunny, the ad is surprisingly well put-together, and definitely gives the impression that the church knows their audience. Kudos to them for the slick design.”

It’s so cute!

2 Responses to “Ahoy, the sleep madness!”

  1. Been there, done that, ate chocolate to compensate.

    Hang in there!

  2. ~FB~ Sadly, even comfort foods are failing to comfort us. Thankfully, we made it through that last push.

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