By: Revanche

November Snapshot

December 2, 2008

Retirement Savings Rollover IRA: $1,052
Roth IRA: $4,189
401(a): $4,168
403(b): $11,655
Total: $ 21,604 (21,409)
Emergency Savings Catastrophe: $ 20,000 (19,743)
Problem Cushion: $794
Short Term Goals Car Maintenance: $711
Car Insurance: $1,809
Travel/Con: $512
Taxes: $3,507
Moving: $15
Total: $ 6,554 (6,124)
Long Term Goals House Down Payment: $101
Investment Loans Prosper-ish: $12,630
Personal Loan: $5,000
Savings Bond: $357 (current accrued value)
Total: $17,998 (17,997)

Total Assets Non-Liquid: $21,604
Semi-Liquid: $17,998
Liquid: $20,794
Expense Acct: $6,160
Goals Savings: $6,554
Total: $ 73,110 (71,686)
Debt and Liabilities Truck: $2,743
AX: $177
Citi: $154
Citi 2: $1,306
Chase: $335
Rent: $1,360
Total: $6,075 (5,604)
Net Worth $67,035 (66,082)


Surprisingly, there was a bit of gain this month, and that can be attributed to much lower gas prices (down from a high of $400/mo to about $200/mo) and a few uncommonly low utility bills, unexpected strength in the bonds of the Roth, and a steady infusion of overtime income. I’ll take what I can get for now as none of the four should be relied upon.

The car insurance came due so I charged it on the PremierPass to clear out as many of my Flight points as possible before they change the card to a CitiBusiness. It’ll be paid off forthwith as the money’s sitting pretty in the Insurance money account.

I have my fingers crossed that getting rid of the truck today will go smoothly.


One Response to “November Snapshot”

  1. What a great net worth overview!

    Now that I .. HAVE net worth, I should really keep better track of all that stuff. šŸ™‚

    Ok, starting 2009..

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