By: Revanche

Weekend Tally

February 23, 2009

Egads, I spent a lot this week.

Monday night: a sushi dinner with friends, $10
Saturday: full tank of gas to go visiting, because my family uses my car and never fills up, $30
Sunday: a movie, $2
Philly cheesesteaks and fries, $17
groceries, $20

That’s pretty much my month’s allowance, so it’s a good thing I loaded up on orange juice, Clementine Cuties, tuna and spinach for salads ($1/bag!), and whole wheat bagels. That’ll get me through a week of breakfasts, snacks and lunches. We’re potlucking one day this week: stew, brussels sprouts and french bread. I could only find french bread bowls ($1.25/2), so that’s what we’re having.

I was inadvertently out all weekend. A depressed friend needed some company, so I spent all Saturday afternoon/evening with her. She seemed in better spirits after that, though still easily fatigued, so I hope the fun of the weekend carries her through the week a little better. I know it’ll help me keep a more even keel in these trying times.

On the plus side of the ledger:
The brother ponied up some cash, $200
Travel expenses were reimbursed, $315
Truck insurance refund finally in, $115

I guess I could afford to spend a little.

5 Responses to “Weekend Tally”

  1. Karen says:

    Not filling the tank would drive me nuts. If that happened to me, I’d get passive-aggressive and leave the tank low so they had to fill it or at least contribute some! Ok maybe not really but it would make me feel better to think about it.

  2. L.A. Daze says:

    I hate hate hate it when I get into my car (and somebody borrowed it) and conveniently “forgets” to fill up. My brother used to do that when we had to share my car for a while (because his new car was still somewhere on the Atlantic ocean making its way from the UK to Long Beach). Sometimes I wonder WHY my brother gets way with everything. Perhaps my Asian parents value boys more.

  3. frugalCPA says:

    Ten dollars for a sushi dinner seems extremely reasonable. Then again, I probably eat several times as much as you do.


    $10 for sushi!?

    Wow. If only. When I go out it’s $20 a sushi minimum, and it’s usually buffet style (sashimi is my favourite and I could eat buckets of it).

    And I hate it when people borrow cars and don’t keep the tank full past a quarter.. Ugh. Not that it’s happened to me, but it annoys me when it happens to others šŸ™‚

  5. Revanche says:

    Karen: It regularly drives me nuts, every two weeks. I take the car for one or two days, fill it up, and then come back to an empty tank. ARGH! My timing just sucks.

    L.A. Daze: *scowl* Asian boys get away with anything.

    Ok, I can’t say that, BF always fills up his sister/mom/brother’s cars (sometimes all three!) when he drives. But I bet he’d get away with it if he didn’t. So I guess that doesn’t prove my refutation at all.

    frugalCPA: Ohh…I dunno, we split the bill, for one thing, and I eat a lot. There’s a great place that has their sushi 50% off right now so it’s about $3/2 pcs.

    FB: Too bad it was only the sushi on “sale” (I know they marked up the orig. prices so that 50% off was more like, 30% off).

    I never realized how annoying it was to have a borrower not fill up the tank, but I never used up an entire tank in a go and not filled up, either. Honestly, though, we SHARE the car, you would think that you could keep your “own” car filled up when you’re not even paying the bill for it!

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