By: Revanche

Checking in from NYC

July 3, 2009

Hey all!

I’ve got my feet up right now, sitting in my absent friend’s living room watching NCIS. I still can’t decide who I like best, other than Mark Harmon. Anyway, it’s only been two days and I’ve about walked my hips off. Wednesday was spent wandering around Chinatown and Battery Park, yesterday was Midtown along the lower border of Central Park.

I’m resting up now in anticipation of touring lower Central Park later today. They were NOT kidding about those thunderstorms! I got caught out in about four of them, once without my umbrella because I lent it to another friend for an errand. Some guy actually laughed at me when I pulled in under an overhang, sopping wet, to rebag my tote bag. Can’t say I blame him since I looked like a drowned rat and was laughing at myself.

It turns out, though, my flats from Target aren’t in good shape after that torrential downpour. They were so waterlogged that I almost lost them running down the street a few times. Hehe. That was pretty funny, too. It turns out I should just have bought a cheap pair of flip flops instead of searching for the perfect pair of walking flats. Easily remedied with a short trip to Old Navy. It’s just up the street!

Most of my meals are being photographed, so I’ll share those pictures when I get back.

6 Responses to “Checking in from NYC”

  1. Meals meals meals!! I’m so excited for food pics.

    LOL.. wish I had a drowned rat pic too šŸ˜›

  2. L.A. Daze says:

    Gotta love torrential downpours! I was stuck in a typhoon in Hong Kong – thank god I brought my sneakers along but my jeans were too long and got soaked. I am forever loyal to those golf umbrellas. They are HUGE.

  3. NCIS is one of those shows that’s only on when I have off work and flip on the TV at 2pm. I love it.

    Have a good holiday!

  4. Miss M says:

    I grew up on the east coast and have experienced quite a few soakings from sudden thunderstorms! I hope you are having a great time, I can’t wait to see the food porn.

  5. sabrina says:

    We were in NYC’s Chinatown on Monday and Tuesday—just missed you! It was almost like being in a foreign country, with its sidewalk vegetable markets, hole-in-the-wall dumpling cafes, bicycle traffic, etc, yet there were oddities like seeing an old Obama poster with the text in Chinese. We found a great restaurant, too. How do you think NY’s Chinatown compares with SF’s or the LA area? Did anything strike you as unusual or “foreign,” or was it just like home?

  6. Revanche says:

    FB: So sad to admit that I’ve been really bad at taking photos of everything … šŸ™

    L.A. Daze: I prefer to be wearing skirts in those downpours so I don’t have thick wet denim sticking to my legs. Ugh, gross.

    paranoidasteroid: šŸ™‚ I keep missing it, now.

    Miss M: We had a great storm last night, too!

    sabrina: NYC’s Chinatown beats LA’s by a long shot. LA’s version is mostly restaurants and businesses along a long strip of road, almost a sterile environment compared to the hustle, bustle, smoke and vendors here.

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