By: Revanche

Online appeal worked!!

October 20, 2009

After the dozens of failed calls to EDD, after getting hung up on every single time I thought I’d successfully navigated the phone maze, after every frantic attempt to jigger my schedule to make time for a phone interview ….

I sent a long, thorough (polite!) email through the system explaining my online classes and how they don’t interfere with my job search.

And I just got an email saying:  Your online courses have been approved. The telephone interview has been cancelled.  Your check will be mailed tomorrow with the subsequent claim form.

Note: Now we’ll see what the forms say, and if they make up for lost time.  But in the meantime, my budget is sighing a small sigh of relief. 

5 Responses to “Online appeal worked!!”

  1. Grace. says:

    Whew! Glad the appeal worked (as certainly, it should have!)

    Some money coming in is a whole lot better than the alternative.

  2. SP says:

    That’s so great! Isn’t it lame that when something bureaucratic works as it should, we are so (pleasantly) surprised.

  3. Miss M says:

    Awesome! EDD can be a nightmare, I didn’t know they had an online appeal option. Hopefully you won’t have any further issues with them.

  4. Revanche says:

    Grace: Absolutely!

    SP: I know, I was expecting the worst red tape …

    Miss M: I’m definitely going to try and stay out of trouble with them. Head down!

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