By: Revanche


October 28, 2009

I don’t really sleep at night anymore. Trying to sleep is like cricket hunting. As soon as you think you’re close, the very awareness of your being so drives it away. You know it’s there, but sleep doesn’t have a substance you can grab onto and hold tight until it surrenders. You give up first…… Hours later, you might accidentally, caught unawares by your prey, drift off.

Some nights, that doesn’t happen until an inexplicable egg craving is satisfied.Ā  The poached egg with melted string cheese on a whole wheat English muffin is one way to go.Ā  It’s just missing a few slices of tomato to make it a full breakfast rather than just a post-post-midnight snack.Ā  Or perhaps the very lateness of the concoction makes it breakfast.Ā  I don’t really know. I just want muffins to come in two halves and a quarter so I can sop up all the runny egg yolk goodness.

3 Responses to “Shadow-chasing”

  1. Matt says:

    Its been a while since I commented on any of my usual reads – wanted to tell you the new design looks really cool.

  2. Money Funk says:

    I think that it looks perfect for a midnight snack. But, you are right… a tomato would make it perfect. šŸ™‚

  3. Revanche says:

    Matt: Thank you!

    Money Funk: I guess the missing tomato just means it’s not actually breakfast. šŸ™‚

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