By: Revanche

A Day of Remembrance

March 24, 2010

Six months ago, we said goodbye to a very dear friend.

It’s tax season, he always thrived during this time of year. 

“Uncle,” they called him.  As in, “Uncle, here are my forms, will you do my taxes?”  Or “Uncle, I have a problem, I need your help.” 

Through the years …. 

“Uncle, it’s good to see you again. [hug] How have you been? Are you ready for another year of Comic-Con? Is there anything we can bring you back?  No? We’ll see you for dinner tonight, I’ll call when we’re on our way home!”

“Uncle, we got you a t-shirt! Thanks for all the fruit you picked out, they were all fantastic for lunch.  We saw so much today, I’ll tell you all about it …. “

“Uncle, what were you like as a boss? I’m going to be just like you, never stop working.”

Today …

“Uncle, we miss you. Your oldest is doing so well at his new job. You’d be so proud of him.  You’d shake his hand.  And give him a good pat on the back.  He’s taking care of the family just like he promised. It’s not easy, you knew it wouldn’t be, but you just trust in him.  He can do it.  Youngest is still, well, still the youngest. Still needs a lot of attention, and more now that you’re gone.  Youngest always needed someone to fight with and you were a sure thing.  Youngest is a little lost without that anchor now.  We all are. I’m still going to be just like you when I grow up. I just wish I’d taken better notes.”   

He’s sorely missed.

4 Responses to “A Day of Remembrance”

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss, Revanche, your uncle sounds like he was a great man.

    My dad is that person in my family who helps everyone with their taxes, and all the little things – like drive them to the doctor, and help them with their car insurance.

  2. Matt says:

    I have to say a very touching post it reminded me of my grandfather who passed away a few years ago now. I always wished I had gotten to spend more time with him. Every now and then its nice to be reminded that we need to spend time with those around us that are here and not to live life in the clouds (or lost in the current ‘IT’ tv shows).

    At least you remember him fondly

  3. Sorry to hear about your friend. 🙁

    Yesterday, I received news someone I knew had passed away too. It’s always hard during these times. =/

  4. Revanche says:

    Thank you, all, and I’m very sorry about Apple’s Mom, Asian Pear.

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