By: Revanche

Moving Fiascos

March 31, 2010

Most of the move went fairly well except for some packing fails: 

1. I absentmindedly packed the moving documentation. In the boxes I was shipping. FAIL.
2.  Discovered that the moving guys grabbed my separated out clothing for my first two days of work and packed it into the wardrobe box. FAIL.
3.  I’d meant to ship my heavy coats so I could pack other stuff in suitcases but didn’t pick up the dry cleaning in time. Had to pack both coats in checked luggage, leaving almost no room for anything else.  FAIL.
4. The company never bothered to tell me they’d delayed my shipment by two days for delivery on the day before I start work. FAIL.
5. I’ve spent more than two hours on the phone with them trying to get copies of my paperwork via email without telling them I plan to use it to file a delayed service claim.  FAIL for wasting time.
6. They contracted with an outside company to expedite delivery on Tuesday instead of Wednesday – that company called me and tells me they won’t deliver on Tuesday and won’t bring the shipment indoors.  EFF THAT.  I am not carrying 500 lbs of boxes upstairs by myself. Sicced my moving company that’s already in the doghouse with me on them.
7.  I had to spend almost $200 on a few essential articles of back-up clothing in case they don’t deliver my clothing on time.  See point 2 where my fail COULD have prevented this situation.  The clothes will go back if I don’t need them this week. [But they’re .. so soft.. and pretty …. ] And btw, the fact that it costs that much for clothing that will fit properly is disgusting.

On the other hand … 
1.  I have my car, paid for, registered, and gassed up.
2.  I have my first day information.
3.  I have my commute planned for the first two days during which someone volunteered to show me where free parking is.
4.  I managed to be polite over the phone every time with those idiots so they’ll never see the claim coming. They can’t obstruct me when it’s too late.
5.  I did get a sheaf of 40% off regularly priced items at Banana Republic for purchases made on Wednesdays in stores. I’m saving that in hopes that a pair of trouser jeans in my size is still available in-store next week. Using that coupon and a gift card redeemed from my Citi Thank You points would be a great way to save my clothing budget from the cost of an extra pair of good jeans ($90- regular price; sheer insanity).
6.  My claim letter is already written, proofed and awaits final additions should anything else go wrong with my delivery.

12 Responses to “Moving Fiascos”

  1. Yikes.

    Wow! $200 for clothes that fit is pretty nuts. Shouldn’t clothes just fit?! But I’m glad you got some nice swag 😉

  2. I detest moving! For my next move, I would like to sell everything, along with the house, and only take the things I can’t live without …. lol

  3. Carrie says:

    omg, moving is SUCH a headache! But it sounds like you’ve been hit with the worst….good luck on the first day at the job!!!

  4. L.A. Daze says:

    This sounds like such a hassle! Everything will turn out fine though, and you’ll have a great first day at work! And good for you for being prepared with the claim letter.

  5. Honestly, I think everything went pretty smoothly, considering the complexities. We had things moved here—and we filed a complaint–the moving co. said “The check is in the mail.” But we never heard from them again.

  6. Sunflowers says:

    Ooh, what a pain in the ass! I hope everything works out! You give that moving company hell!! 😉

  7. eemusings says:

    Moving is THE most stressful of life events.

    Sorry to hear about all that – you go get those movers, and go rock your new job!

  8. Moving is a hassle. You did manage to do a lot in a short period of time. Things will calm down once you settle in. =)

  9. Hopefully things will get a bit easier over the next few days; moving is such a hassle!
    -Laura 🙂

  10. savings says:

    I always have good intentions for packing, but since I absolutely hate it, and save it for the last minute possible, I never quite follow through on them, since I’m rushed for time!

    It sounds like you’re pretty organized about it though, so I hope it works out!

  11. I hope you are slowly getting settled in, moving is awful, isn’t it.

  12. Revanche says:

    @aspiring minimalist: I’m tiny, so clothes actually fit are hard to come by and pricey to boot. I used to just buy the closest fit and have it altered but that cost just as much, sometimes.

    And here, I’ve spoken to people about tailoring costs and they’re astronomical!

    @R-MoM: I totally thought I could do a variation of the same. The packing and unpacking wasn’t so painful, but the in between was … well, THIS.

    @Carrie: Thanks!

    @L.A.Daze: I’m waiting to see if I have to use that letter – this was NOT the end of the mess.

    @FS: Not … so much towards the end. This was the lesser of the problems if you can believe that. I’ll update on that in a bit.

    @Sunflowers: It’s been Ug-lee!

    @eemusings: I know you were going through much of the same horribleness!

    @Jersey Mom: As soon as I got my hands on my actual boxes, time and unpacking just flew by!

    @Laurie: Now that I have my stuff, it’s just getting everything work again!

    @savings: All but the last part of packing went well – that and failing to note that my clothes left without me! 🙂

    @Rina: ’tis!!

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