By: Revanche

Life on a Deadline

May 7, 2010

What a strangely accurate (Post-it Stop Motion) depiction of people at work!

It’s Friday!

If I were a mouse, I’d be playing as the boss is away, but I’m supposed to be “brilliant” so I’m still working.

Would love to see Iron Man, though! Then again, I don’t want to pay full price either. Hm… priorities.Ā  Well, an old friend will be in town again and I don’t see him often so it might be a case of going along with with everyone else wants and paying more than I’d like to hang out and see the same movie at the same time. Like high school, only more expensive.

What’s your stance on movie theaters?Ā  Yea or nay?Ā 

Also: roasted chicken or pork tenderloin for next week’s dinners?Ā  (Hint: The first one is WAY easier to make.)

16 Responses to “Life on a Deadline”

  1. I prefer movies at home, since I’m easily upset and like to be able to escape.. My husband says there are big-screen movies–such as Avatar. AS for your dinner plans, TWO roast chickens. You can use the leftovers for many good meals: soup, stirfry, thai curry, tacos, and on and on.

    Two take the same amount of work and oven heat as one.

  2. Jersey Mom says:

    My kids have been asking to watch Iron Man II. I’m still thinking about it. We usually borrow or buy the DVD when it comes out; much cheaper for all 4 of us to go to the theater + food and beverage. If I do cave in to the kids (I know my husband really wants to watch it as well), we’ll probably go to a matinee, which is slightly cheaper.

  3. The BF is dragging me to go see it. I guess it’s payback for all the horror movies I love to go see. I still haven’t seen Nightmare on Elm Street. Hmm.

  4. We like to go to the theater (Movie Tavern) for our favorite action movies for $6 each matinees or $7.50 evening tickets…it usually depends on our schedule.

    If we spend a lot of time with friends or family on the weekend, we usually put off movies until they hit the $1.50 theater near our house or Netflix (we just saw Sherlock Holmes last night).

    The Entertainment Book almost paid for itself at the Movie Tavern since we got into Avatar 3D for $9.50 total (2 for 1 coupon).

    As for dinner, I love roast chicken but I usually buy the big ones from Sam’s Club for $4.99 each. It just saves me time and makes 2-3 meals for me and hubby…plus I’ll admit it, I’ve never actually roasted a chicken myself….yeah, I know…I was just really proud that I roasted my first turkey last Thanksgiving. šŸ™‚

  5. Grace. says:

    In my city, there are several bar cum theatres housed in historic buildings. The movies are $3, no kids after the 5:30 showing, beer and pizza to eat, full-size screens, and couches and comfy chairs to sit on.

    I’m going to see “Green Zone” at one of them tonight.

  6. Jenna says:

    I’m not a big fan of movie theaters. It’s way cheaper to rent a movie and invite all your friends over then for each of the friends to buy a ticket and sit next to strangers.

  7. Karen says:

    Make chicken; not a pork fan.
    I miss the Movie Tavern. That should expand outside of TX.
    You need more corporate discounts.

  8. I vote for the roasted chicken šŸ™‚

    I’m up for seeing Ironman 2. I rally liked the first one, though, I’ll be waiting to hear reviews first. (I don’t think that Ironman could be topped.)

    There are certain movies that I think are worth seeing in theaters. Big, action movies would be one of them.

  9. Sense says:

    Friends went to see IM II and hated it…I am waiting for it to come out online so I can stream it. šŸ™‚

    I go to see movies on cheap Tuesdays ($10) just to hang out with the few people I know in NZ, or not at all. If other people didn’t want to go, I wouldn’t be going at all, except for the occasional big blockbusters (Avatar, for example).

    So yeah, the only reason I go to the movies generally is to hang out with other people. Which is a terrible reason since we don’t talk during the movie!

  10. mOOm says:

    We haven’t been to see a movie at a theatre since moving to Australia. We used to go quite often in the US. But now we have a relatively large screen TV and proper DVD player etc.

  11. Shelley says:

    The last movie I saw at a theatre was Chicago. I’ve lived on DVDs bought or rented since then. I think the price of movies is shocking and I never manage to resist the popcorn either. It helps that my partner doesn’t watch ‘films’ as they are called over here. They just don’t seem to hold his interest. Me? I’d go for the healthier option: chicken.

  12. very cool video!

    I almost never go to the theater. It is expensive, loud and dark. But if family or friends were excited about going, I would. I saw avatar this year for that reason — and it was enjoyable!

  13. That video is SO COOL!

    I mostly don’t go to the movies. I have Netflix, so when I see a movie that looks interesting, I add it to my queue.

  14. Revanche says:

    @Frugal Scholar: You are SO right about roasting two at once – how did I miss that? Tried it the other day. The tray was really heavy but worth it.

    @Jersey Mom: I’m not sure I’m happy with the subbing in for Terence Howard but I’ll give it a chance later when we can use already purchased discount tickets.

    @Investing Newbie: there’s usually a swap ratio on the movie picking, isn’t there?

    @Crystal: I prefer matinee myself, but even those prices are more than the tickets I bought a couple years ago at a discount. For now, til they run out anyway.

    I’m impressed you roasted a turkey, I figured I would work my way up!

    And $1.50 theater? I wish we still had dollar theaters out here.

    @Grace: Now that’s a cool experience and well worth it for the price.

    @Jenna: That’s true, the problem is when no one lives in a central location with enough room to host AND they don’t have good transportation for departure afterward. Cityfolk šŸ™‚ We had people stay over before and it was like a big people sleepover. That was fun and cheap.

    @Karen: We need more and BETTER corp discounts. They’re creeping up ever so surely as well.

    @aspiringminimalist: Sometimes it’s just fun to do the theatre, reminds me of high school. But only if I’m not horrified by the cost.

    @Sense: It’s the shared experience šŸ™‚ so you can talk about it and not have the Spoiler Jerk in the group give it away.

    @mOOm: I’ve been pretty happy with the standard old tube, but I can appreciate the larger screen. Or is it the reclining seats?

    @Shelley: Healthier AND easier. I never did see Chicago – I hear all kinds of good things about films and rarely see more than three a year (big screen or not).

    @stackingpennies: I couldn’t stop giggling over the video.

    Had to say that avatar wasn’t worth the 3-D for me, but most things aren’t.

    @me in millions: our netflix is grossly neglected and bothers the heck out of me. I’d like to cancel it, really.

  15. Jenna says:

    Love the grown up sleep over part. Much rather get a group of people together in the city and go to a free museum night than go to a movie theater. Just my personal opinion though.

    However, I did go see Iron Man 2 on Friday and didn’t really like it. I’m not a big fan of, “you’re the one for me, until hot, younger girl comes, then leaves, you’re still the one for me” relationships.

  16. Katie C. says:

    I L-O-V-E movie theaters, but I absolutely loathe paying that much to see a movie, plus trying to sneak in a water bottle to avoid $4 bottles of water. Not fun.

    I once dated a guy for two years who wanted to go to the movies every single Friday. Whether a great movie was out or not, we went.

    Now I have so many movies in my Netflix queue that I’m able to quell the movie theater desire by adding the movie to my queue and moving on to the other 300 movies I want to see. This doesn’t include movies like Twilight, which have become tradition for Mom and I. Luckily, that’s over next month.

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