By: Revanche

Net Worth: August 2014

August 15, 2014


Change from July: 0% increase

Change from January:Ā  265% increase

Our investments took a hit this month so interestingly, between that and our savings, we had exactly no change (except for, literally, some change) since last month.

On Money

I’m working away at Swagbucks to earn Amazon money for household and dog things we need. Feel free to join using my referral link if you like!


Since the addition of another unbudgeted mouth to feed and body to, well, not clothe, but to get up to medical snuff, all (meager) proceeds of the blog now go to fund Dog#2’s ongoing medical care. I’ve got some saved, but he may bid well to run right through all of it since this isn’t really your standard money-makin’ money blog šŸ˜‰ We’re calling him Seamus now, Shamey for short when he transgresses, as he has done on occasion.

So if you have to purchase from Amazon and wouldn’t mind using one of my links in the sidebar there, Seamus and we would be most grateful. Every penny really does count!


I finally secured a CPA to get started on our much-delayed 2013 taxes – wazoo! Once that’s filed, we can get started on the 2014 tax planning; we’ll have a few things to do there.

I have gotten a few recommendations on an estate planning lawyer, so I think that’s my September goal: Get our paperwork nailed down.


Having had no retirement plan through my employer for a while, I really ought to have done this before but I’m just now getting myself in order on that front. I did manage to fully contribute to a 2013 IRA and will do so again for 2014, while quietly kicking myself for not dealing with this much earlier. I think between income, married filing jointly, and having one spouse have access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan, we won’t actually be able to take a deduction on it but whatever. Saving is the key here.


Reflecting: You’d think I wouldn’t have to squeeze every penny and point program to fund everyday life.Ā  ‘Where the hell did all our money go??‘ pops up an awful lot in my head since we do make a decent income between the two of us, after all! I keep finding myself thinking it’s time to create more income and/or get a second job. But seriously…

Reality Check. We’re still paying for two households, four adults, and two dogs. The Bay Area isn’t cheap by any means, even as frugally as I try to keep our home. And we would like to be in a house that we can reasonably afford to pay off and maintain, someday, so I’m still aggressively saving our cash. And there’s really only so much health/energy I have for THIS life, forget one that includes yet more work.

On Life

We will manage a vacation this year. A semi-actual vacation where I take a few days off instead of just going off to some place and just work while we’re there late into the night and play during the day and come home and collapse.

I’d be excited about this but I’m still in “prep and take care of everything” mode.


4 Responses to “Net Worth: August 2014”

  1. I love your idea for your vacation to play during the day and come home and collapse! šŸ™‚ I’m planning to go to the beach with my family, maybe next week or before the September come.

    • Revanche says:

      Haha actually, I was talking about burning the candle at both ends: play during the day/evening, then work as many hours as I could during normal sleeping hours. I end up coming home wishing I’d just stayed home, a little šŸ™‚

  2. A vacation sounds lovely, indeed. I can’t believe you fund that many people day in and day out, it is impressive.
    Pets can get insanely expensive at just the drop of a hat.

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