By: Revanche

When a “What If” scenario kicks your ass: the death of a hard drive

January 28, 2015

Ironically, one of my what-ifs actually happened just as I was in the middle of dealing with insuring against it….

I was in the process of backing up all our photo files and had recently gotten the first phase done: back up to an external hard drive. I’d been haunted by this horror of losing all the important stuff, sowas on a kick to back up everything I could, work and photo-wise, to hard drives and the cloud.

Work was relatively easy once the first full back up was done – that bit took ages but it was done and the back ups run automatically.

Photos and personal documents, though, are scattered across more than one computer so I started with adding them to one unified hard drive first.  This was partly driven by immediate need;  my phone was staggering under the weight of the thousands of pictures and videos stored there and was threatening to kick the bucket entirely.  All those files were actually automatically backed up via Google but I rather foolishly assumed, and didn’t confirm by trying it, that there was a way to download all those stored files easily.

Having pulled all the files off the phone and saved them to the hard drive, I should have also temporarily stored the whole kit and caboodle to my working laptop. Hindsight, ever is it 20/20.

It slipped my mind, so you can just imagine my mini heart attack when I plugged in the external hard drive this weekend and found that it was corrupted.

After 2 hours of Googling, testing and troubleshooting, it was relatively clear that this was a corruption that’d probably require actual professional data recovery. With all the Little Bean expenses looming, though, spending several hundred dollars on this was not an option if it could be helped so I went another route. If I could retrieve all the data then I could just reformat the drive and save a new set of files (which would now also be backed up seventeen other ways!)

Except there was no easy “Download all” button on Google Plus.


With thousands of precious photos of Doggle that were now only in one, poorly accessible place, I just went into silent FIX IT NOW mode.

Relatively silent.

Tried Google Drive, no love.
Tried downloading albums, but since I’d not organized all the photos into albums, downloading from there was no good as it ignored anything not in albums.
I flipped out a bit on Twitter, which brought the amazing @daNanner to my aid, with suggestions of using Picasa to pull the whole archive off G+, but alas, still no good.
Further Googling was fruitless, so I resigned myself to painstakingly downloading each image one by one. This was a huge pain, to go from oldest to newest, you have to load the entire archive.

Then @daNanner popped up again with another suggestion: Google Takeout. Her Google-fu is strong, this was the answer!

It took an hour to download everything into zip files, another dozen hours to download the SIX 2G zip files, and yet another five to sort them because the archive files were a complete mess but the photos are saved and destined to be saved as many ways as I can think of: two external hard drives, a laptop hard drive, a backup program like Backblaze or Crashplan.

5 Responses to “When a “What If” scenario kicks your ass: the death of a hard drive”

  1. Taylor Lee says:

    Sorry to hear about your stressful weekend. Very scary prospect to lose all your photos. Though I’m not terribly attached to any of my data, I really do live on the edge in terms of not backing up my computer. I should really get on that…

  2. Ouch that’s painful, but leave it up to twitter to find some help! That has happened to me in a good way many times! I have pictures scattered everywhere too and I don’t even want to take on the project of organizing it all!

  3. Alicia says:

    That’s one heck of a close call. Glad it got straightened out, even if it wasn’t straight forward, and was stressful.

  4. OFG says:

    We started backing up photos by putting them on Flickr. Now we have them in at least two places, plus you can create privacy settings but still share them with friends and family. Something to consider when your little one arrives too.

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