By: Revanche

E-Z Pass Scam, tidbits, and a Poll

May 21, 2015

Don’t fall for this E-Z Pass scam!


As usual, poor writing, inaccurate information, and a zip file are all reliable signs of a scammy phishing email.  These are often addressed as “Dear [Last Name]” without any honorific or appropriate title, it lacks any useful information like where the violation was supposed to have occurred and how much it costs.  That last bit is intended to get you to click on the zip file they’ve attached, of course.

Quick Thoughts

~ Every time I see someone use the phrase “mommy and me brigade” or something similar, it’s basically always pejorative and annoys the giblets off me.

~ Pork is not quite as forgiving as chicken. In other words, I dried out the ends of my first pork shoulder roast trying to get it to hit the recommended 160-170 degrees. But the middle was yummy! And I don’t mind dried roast pork if it was suitably fatty to begin with, the fat sort of keeps it from being a piece of cardboard.

~ OMG getting plans together for this year’s SDCC has been just a long stinking marathon of hurdles, it feels like. Getting badges. Getting hotel rooms. Getting parking. Every single thing was some sort of lottery and involved coordinating with half a dozen people.

~ Joss Whedon was harassed off Twitter by the scuzzy scuzzers who think that death threats are the best way to express their negative opinion. I wish I could say I was surprised but since rape and death threats are common currency of these scummy people, I just wish that Twitter would finally step up and do something about abusive users. It’s a great tool, but it needs to stop being an online Wild West.

Tell me what you think!


Tell me what you think in the comments!

I personally hate the idea but would you object to the occasional sponsored post here? It costs actual money to keep the site up and running, so I’m considering what might help pay those bills.

14 Responses to “E-Z Pass Scam, tidbits, and a Poll”

  1. I hate internet trolls. Who are these people that they can sit in some computer chair and write that kind of stuff. My guess is if someone did that to them they’d be in the fetal position crying. Cowards! Yes, spelling and too formal of a greeting are good ways to spot a scammer.

    • Revanche says:

      Ironically, I was trolled on Twitter this week, one of the few times. And like you said, the second the tables were turned and I refused to take their trolling, he was crying about how he didn’t like to be spoken to like that. So it’s perfectly ok for him to be rude and pick on me but if I stand up for myself he’s got issues? Nope. Too bad.

  2. BJM says:

    I understand why people do sponsored posts, but ughh- they’re SO annoying!

  3. Linda says:

    I’d rather see a sponsored post than have to dodge a lot of pop ups when visiting the site to read posts. I hate how those complicate my ability to read something in my limited time.

  4. Karen says:

    Haha. I now use ‘dear’ and ‘kindly’ (but not ‘yours faithfully’!) in almost all emails sent.

    I’d rather see a sponsored post than pop up ads, or autoplay like AAM’s.

    • Revanche says:

      By themselves, dear and kindly aren’t red flags to me. But if you’re sending an unexplained zip file I might wonder! 😉

  5. Sense says:

    I’m always disappointed to click through and realize it’s sponsored, but it doesn’t make me stop visiting a blog unless the sponsored content starts to approach the number of original posts.

    • Revanche says:

      Fair point. I’m only considering them right now and definitely wouldn’t be ok with even a 50/50 split of regular writing to sponsored. That would mean I was doing something wrong IMO.

  6. Deedee says:

    As long as it is clear up front that it’s a sponsored post, I don’t mind. I will usually read a sponsored post and sometimes actually enjoy it. But if the disclaimer is not up front and I start reading it and figure it out at some point it kind of ticks me off. Also, not too many please! Maybe two or three a month tops?

  7. Clare says:

    “Terrance Singleton” gave me a good chuckle!

  8. […] More scams to avoid: the 876 (imposter Publishers’ Clearing or other businesses) scam, the E-Z pass scam by email […]

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