By: Revanche

My kid and growth spurts: Notes from Month 3

May 13, 2015

I’m revising a friend’s advice on parenting for our family.

1. Don’t have more kids than you have hands
Don’t have more kids than you have adult bodies. Ages ago, as a child-free professional auntie, I liked a 4-1 ratio of kids to adults. I stand by that number.

2. Fight only the important battles
Also the ones about socks. Cold feeted babies are angry angry babies.

3. Always have fun
Laugh at everything that would otherwise make you angry. Bitterly, hysterically, whatever, just go with it. You’re both sleep mad.

We’re keeping hir turned away from the television but like an owl, hir head swivels around until it’s just about 180 degrees looking back to continue looking at it. The lights and movement draw hir eyes right now but it’s far too early for hir to develop a tv habit!Β  I’m considering being a heartless mom and moving the one tv into our room when ze gets older. For now I think it’s true that ze is just looking at the lights and movements.

The growth and development ze experienced coming into hir third month was astounding. In the space of four days, ze started paying attention to mobile toys, music, rattles, and trying to intentionally use hir hands as hands a couple times:

Ze very deliberately played a game with me and hir bottle one night: open mouth, clamp down on the nipple, spit it out, grin, repeat. Ze did this four or five times, each time sipping a few drops and grinning as ze spit out the bottle. Then finally, ze was done playing so ze grabbed my hand that was holding the bottle and very firmly moved it towards hir mouth and started drinking normally.

In hir little playmat with mobile things, ze had been swinging at the hanging objects aimlessly. One day, ze reached up with a fist, punching the air and then paused. Ze gently waved it at a ring. And again. Then started whacking the ring like a piΓ±ata!

Ze isn’t breaking any records but hir pediatrician is pleased with growth and ze made it through the first round of vaccines with about the expected level of rage, followed by a good long sleep. Weirdly, ze was more infuriated by the attempt to Baby Tylenol hir later that evening.

The search for a nanny had become a bit desperate. We hadn’t found anyone that really suits. The first mother’s helper we tried seemed alright at first but her competence seemed to taper off. By the fourth day, I was still repeating basic care instructions and it was driving me nuts. [When baby cries, check hir diaper. Why does that have to be repeated??] Then it was ok. Then it was not.

Ze has opinions and is very vocal about them. Yep, that means All The Crying. But also that the chirps and squeaks that impressed me so earlier turned into full near-words and now ze will lay around talking at you for minutes at a time. You don’t even have to be in front of hir, as long as ze can hear you respond.

Ze has more patience now. Before, the very second ze was GOING to have a dirty diaper we were in hot water. Totally not fair, btw. With the graduation to size 1 diapers, ze is also a bit more mature and patient about waiting a minute for a change.

Ze hasn’t quite doubled birth weight but ze is HUGE compared to birth size. Looking at pictures from the first week is a startling contrast. Luckily I am an obsessive photographer so we have chronicled the whole way here.

17 Responses to “My kid and growth spurts: Notes from Month 3”

  1. “Cold feeted babies are angry angry babies.” This sentence is too adorable, I cannot deal with it.

    At what point did ze start really being “person-like” (I mean obviously ze’s always been a person, but like, a consciously thinking one I guess)? I ask because I hear a lot of people describe the first three months as “the fourth trimester” so I was kind of curious on your take.

    • Revanche says:

      I know what you mean, they’re sort of cute bundles of not-quite-person at first. I think the start was in this month when ze started to interacting, little bits at a time, vocally. Then when the first actual laugh came out, not just a smile or a gurgle but a real laugh, that felt more like ze was a person in there.

  2. Hypatia Cade says:

    FWIW our little one is always happier in a diaper one size bigger than what the weight guide on the diaper says. Especially overnight.

    • Revanche says:

      Now that’s an interesting thought! I already ordered the next size up so maybe I’ll give it a try for overnights.

  3. SP says:

    4-1 ratio of kids to adults… or 4-1 ratio of adults to kids?! if it is the former, you have an interesting decade ahead of you. πŸ™‚

    It is amazing how much babies change each month – thanks for sharing your experiences.

    • Revanche says:

      Augh 4 adults to 1 kid! Four adults!

      I know people doing it the other way around and my brain reels at the thought.

  4. Yay babies!

    Re: childcare: We’ve had a lot of luck with college students working part-time– is there a community college or university nearby that you could place an ad with?

  5. Linda says:

    I hope you get your child care issues settled soon!

    Interesting observations about babies; I can’t recall the last time I had to take care of one and have forgotten a lot of the finer points of baby communications. But I can relate to the cold feet thing; as an adult I get cranky when my feet are cold! Good thing I have a lot of warm, hand-knit socks to put on. πŸ™‚

    • Revanche says:

      Thank you, we do too!

      Cold feet are the worst. I may have to ask you for socks-knitting lessons one of these days!

  6. Mine LOVED the T.V. He would stare at it all the time when it was on. His head swiveled like an owl too πŸ˜‰

  7. […] 4: Velociraptor Claws Month 3: Growth Spurts Month 2: Hates sleep Month 1: […]

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