By: Revanche

How did we save on baby expenses?

July 24, 2015

Short story: “Sorta.”

As not the most helpful PF blogger ever, I took a most laissez-faire approach to saving on newborn and infant expenses. I set up Amazon Prime/Subscribe & Save orders for diapers after price comparing the Swaddlers we use to Target prices.

PiC won’t let me switch because he insists he needs the yellow/blue stripe and I’m not gonna argue with the guy who always says it’s his turn to get up with the baby tonight. We might save a hundred bucks or so over several months of diapers but that wouldn’t buy me sleep.

We happen to love the Amazon branded wipes and they’re the same cost as the best bulk price at 2¢/wipe. Fine. We save on having it shipped free so we’re not wasting time and gas.

Sticking to breast milk as much as possible.
LB eats like a fiend, anywhere between 20-30 ounces a day, and I can provide from 50-90% of that depending on the day’s yield. Formula costs nearly $1/oz so we can see that I’m saving us an average of $20/day. This is a lucky choice: not everyone can breastfeed and I choose to because I can.

We did buy a handful of bottle brushes at $2.50/each. It’s necessary to keep the bottles and nipples clean and sterile.

Almost everything else is optional or preloved.
We have some baby soap and ze is bathed about twice a week to fend off that old shoe funk.

Almost all hir clothes, towels, cloths, gear and toys are hand me downs. Ze has a lovely pile of books to look at (and try to eat) and a couple sets of blocks to play with when ze gets older.

Of four hand me down baby carriers, we picked out the two that fit us each best and didn’t splurge on the lovely $200 wrap sling thing that I yearned for.

We don’t do baby swings but we have a reclining chair that was handed down. The wipes warmer was a luxury concession on baby real estate and also a hand me down. We don’t use it anymore since ze has gotten old enough not to have five changes in the middle of the night.

Everyone kept insisting the Diaper Genie was a Must Have. We just used the plastic bags that the diapers came in, still smelling faintly fresh, as a trash bag and take it out daily. One benefit of living where we are, the dumpster is easily accessible and doesn’t stink up the place.

We’re staying within our allotted cash flow pretty well, only dipping dangerously low in the checking account once or twice when I pulled a large sum out for retirement contributions.

3 Responses to “How did we save on baby expenses?”

  1. Feeny says:

    I yeaaaarn for a sling wrap!! A nice beautiful good for the environment wrap. Alas, we were given one and since I’m not in the habit of turning down free things we will surely use that.

    As far as “luxury” baby things we are doing mostly the same thing. Do I NEED a bottle warmer/diaper genie/very fancy car seat? No. Am I going to turn down free ones being given too me by other parents? Heck no.

    There are so many lists and sites out there dying to tell you what you must have for your baby. Most of them are much much longer than I feel like they need to be!

    • Revanche says:

      Mmm pretty sling wrap. But now that LB has gotten super heavy, I imagine it doesn’t matter WHAT carrier ze is in, ze is going to be heavy 🙂

      Those lists are VERY much longer than they need to be. We’ve done really well with not a lot of stuff.

  2. OFG says:

    We use a standard trashcan too. It’s never been an issue. As long as we take the trash out daily.
    OFG recently posted…Choosing a Kid’s Bike: Focus on Quality or Price?My Profile

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