By: Revanche

TGIF: Summer Edition

August 21, 2015


This is a bit of a brain dump.

It’s Friday and on the one hand, holy crap, what have I gotten done this week?? I made it through 4 week days with unusual probably fibro-related brain fog and 4 bouts of my glucose levels bottoming out leaving me shaky, dizzy, and almost gasping for breath.Ā  Got some work done. Didn’t get any of my real writing done.

On the other hand, THANK GOODNESS it’s Friday.

I am grateful beyond measure for Fridays right now. This level of relief’s normally the sign to quit my job and move on, most people TGIF because work is so very onerous, but that’s not precisely my problem. I am at odds with my job, it’s true, but it’s manageable even when I take on too much. Usually I just power – or muddle – through but it takes more of a toll some weeks than others. This week more than last. Frazzled is not usually my thing and it’s usually a sign that something is twirling off the axis.

It’s the short break from being Juggler and Timekeeper Extraordinaire that I crave. There’s a sense, during the week, that every single minute has to be used wisely. During naps, between naps, I have to be Getting Everything Done. That go-go-go feeling is draining.

On the weekend, it’s ok to clock out of Mom duty and hand the Adorable Creeper over for a break. We can take turns, it’s not just a hamster wheel of work / child / housework / child / work / child / housework.

We didn’t do much on our weekends, in the pre-LB era, except when we did too much. I like that our weekends are a little more even keeled now. I like that I actually want to take small outings occasionally. It makes me feel human again. We went to the Ferry Building and you all know how much I love doing that. We might even go so far as to take the family to a little farm and meet farm animals. For FUN.

My days, since last month, are a little less hectic than before but they remain nonstop. LB needs a third nap now and that’s great. I get quite a lot done during naps and late into the evening but I haven’t made the time to work on my extracurricular projects as much as I ought to. I need to do more writing. A LOT more writing. I need to test some business ideas and determine my next steps after this job is over.

I do have time but it happens in bits and pieces so it’s not useful for tackling the bigger chunks of either project. The trick will be to figure out how to smush those bits together to make a usable large chunk, like the ends of soap. Until then, my anti-stress mechanism is, as always, planning so that’s where my little time chunks go. I research our next trip, our next investment, our next credit card.

Under the good news column, PiC insisted that I take some real me time, and I caved. So I’ll do that.

Also, I stretched out of my comfort zone agreeing to do an interview on Jessica’s podcast. It won’t come out for a while yet so now I have far too much time to think about how silly I sounded, or how much I rambled, or any number of things.

I blinked and it’s near the end of August. Did anyone see that coming? Before you know it, we’ll be into Fall. And into my birthmonth! I might take a leaf from a good friend’s book and celebrate all month. Low key, but all month, in little ways. Because why not?

Summer is winding down, are you planning any last hurrahs before fall rolls in?

10 Responses to “TGIF: Summer Edition”

  1. moom says:

    I was feeling this morning that Spring was here šŸ™‚

  2. I wondered what a meat cone actually looked like! I’d heard of them but was too lazy to do an image search.

  3. Wait, is that bacon in an ice cream cone!? #want

  4. Shelley says:

    I’m sure the podcast isn’t something you need to worry about. Sounds like getting enough rest and some fun time / relaxation ought to be somewhere on your To Do list! It’s just as possible to get burned out at home as it is at a job!

  5. Sound hectic! I just try to take it one step at a time. Especially, when I get in a funk with there’s always more to do and I can’t do it all! We try to keep our weekends simple too but there’s always prep work to be done for the upcoming week. We did enjoy a park outing with Baby Crackin’ yesterday so that was fun!

  6. Linda says:

    No big last hurrahs, just enjoying the return to the lovely moderate temps I wanted. šŸ™‚

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