By: Revanche

Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2015

Happy Friday to everyone and Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! 

We were looking forward to a quiet season but it hasn’t been the smoothest of holidays. We all got sick, got better, and got sick again. All my devices have gone kaput so something will have to be replaced before I find myself in the Stone Ages communicating by pictographs and signs. Someone rammed our car full of passengers and left me irritably coughing with hopefully-not-cracked ribs. The car is very likely to be written off as a total loss which gets our goats because it’s a really good used car, and we just bought new tires and replaced the windshield. We don’t WANT another car, we like this one! Then Christmas Day plans went awry but at this point, who really cares? I just want to hunker down under a pile of blankets and stop coughing.

But we’re all still here and no one is seriously injured or ill. Seamus is thrilled to be meeting cats. The cats, not so much. But he perseveres.

LB is upbeat to the point where friends wonder, “is ze always this cheerful?” (Assuming a full stomach, yes.) What a change from several months ago when it was, “is ze always this angry?” (Yes) Ze is loving this winter and first Christmas and we didn’t need any presents to achieve Maximum Happiness.

We’re grateful all over again that we’ve made it through another year, and one full of change and growth, and come out the other end having learned a lesson or two about communicating and boundaries. Relationships are hard work, no doubt about that, but if you’re doing it right, there should be that feeling that it’s paid off with each cycle of lessons. There’s no yardstick to measure a successful relationship except whether or not you’re having new discussions / arguments / lessons that you’re learning from and moving on, I think.

And on that almost philosophical thought, I hope everyone is staying warm (or cool if you’re on the East Coast), happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise!

6 Responses to “Merry Christmas!”

  1. Good grief! I’m sorry to hear about the misadventures. Thank goodness no one was seriously hurt…but hope you’ll go to the doc if the cough doesn’t clear up soon. That sounds unfun.

    Here’s hoping for a totally hassle-free, joyfully successful 2016! <3

    • Revanche says:

      Thank you! I may be headed to the doc soon, but here’s hoping things clear up before I have to. Fingers crossed and best wishes for starting this new year!

  2. Sense says:

    Oh dear!! What a series of unfortunate events. Happy Christmas and New Year, here’s to hoping you got all the bad stuff for 2016 out of the way early!

    • Revanche says:

      That’s a very optimistic way to look at it and I hope you’re right! Happy Christmas and Merry New Year to you too! 😀

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