By: Revanche

Weird stuff about life and money

December 28, 2015

I feel prolonged guilt over the most nonsensical things. I was participating in a volunteer project years ago when the depression set in. I felt so bad about not completing my part of it, even though it was totally voluntary and it didn’t significantly affect anything that I stopped, that just a month ago I had one of those dreams where the person I “let down” (during only one of the worst times of my life) asked me about why I stopped.

Meanwhile, it’s been nearly 15 years since I’ve spoken to my maternal grandparents and some aunts & uncles. Not an ounce of regret. Didn’t invite them to my wedding and ignored them at Mom’s funeral because they’d been utter dipwads from forever before, and then harassed me every single day after she died because they wanted to pay for her funeral so they could pretend they loved her.

I read blog comments from years ago and get verklempt that I don’t know what happened to them (M is for Money, 444 express, The Quest – if you’re still reading, I can’t find your new URL?)

How can I be of service to you? When I’m in a really bad mood, or crappy stuff has been going on, my only refuge is sending a nice card or gift to someone else having a hard time.

Babies are weird!  So weird that sometimes I refer to them as “just like a human!”

A majority of minorities. I know nearly as many lefties as righties and more people who hail from US territories than I know people from any state but CA. Offline that is. Online, where would you say you’re from? Originally or now. And: lefty, righty, or ambi?

When stressed, clean the house or balance the books. Going over spending and savings spreadsheets calms me down better than anything else.

I’m more likely to give money to charities, say, for refugees, than give birthday gifts to people I know but are well off. My $20 to a charity is likely to matter more than any $20 gift I could give someone who makes perfectly good money.

6 Responses to “Weird stuff about life and money”

  1. SherryH says:

    Currently from North Carolina, originally from…Michigan, I guess, though we didn’t live there until I was in high school. As far as I know, all four of my grandparents immigrated to this country.

    I’m pretty solidly right-handed.

    My stress refuge of choice is baking. That, or planning If a situation is concerning me, I’ll try hard to make a plan, going back and forth over every contingency. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t.

    • Revanche says:

      Well met, fellow first generation! 🙂

      Mm, baking. And I enjoy eating pastries when stressed. We should team up 🙂

  2. We frequently say of Baby Bear that he did something “just like a person” or “oh, look, he thinks he’s people!”

    And then we remind ourselves, oh, right – human. Oops. It’s easy to get confused, though; babies are truly from a different species at times.

  3. Kate says:

    I am still racked with guilt about a high school physics project that I didn’t pull my weight on. I let my friend do more of the work. I’m 33 now. You’re not alone.

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