By: Revanche

Net Worth & Life Report: March 2016

April 4, 2016

Money & Life Report: 03-2016


I use Swagbucks. Here’s a handy tutorial if you’d like to join and earn.

    1. Another handfulย of annual bills this month: another car registration ($115), earthquake insurance ($1125). I can’t decide if this is annoying or useful to have them come in irregular spurts.
    2. We were told not to cancel our insurance for Doggle’s (RIP) car (RIP) so we could still receive our multi-vehicle discount. It bugs me in that “unfinished business” kind of way.
    3. Meanwhile, the car insurance companies finally coughed up our $500 deductible! That and the reimbursement for LB’s new car seat. (Upgrading to a convertible car set is all kinds of headaches.)
    4. PiC and I use our phones primarily for data. We text each other over the internet during the day because I hate talking on the phone and he doesn’t have reception so between the two of us, we’ve logged 9 minutes of talk time. Dad logged 431 minutes. But I use anywhere between 0.5-1 MB data plus the wifi we have every month for work and play.
    5. Last month I splurged on lotion tissues. A $45 case of tissues. Felt foolish as I stashed the boxes in our nearly non-existent storage space. Fast forward a month and 6, no, 8! boxes later, my nose remains intact and isn’t sporting The Most Epic 1000-tissue Chafe so we can call that my best decision of the year.
    6. The second best decision was listening to PiC: I finally told my doctor again that I was still miserable and three days into a new prescription of antibiotics ($10), a test would verify that this writer is at least 65% human. AMAZING.
    7. Seamus sustained a mysterious eye injury. $230 to confirm it’s not glaucoma, it’s an injury, pain meds and eye goop. It’ll be another $70 to go when we go back for another eye stain to confirm if it’s healed.
    8. I’ve been playing with charting progress on the net worth, it’s so unsatisfying just saying “it went up or down 2%.” For now, we’re up 5.4% year to date.


After weeks of being sick, my health hit rock bottom this month. For three days, my pain level was so high that it registered just a step or two below labor and childbirth. Pain meds didn’t even take the edge off. Absolute misery! Likely, this nosedive can be chalked up to never getting enough rest because three to five hours a night was dedicated to coughing.

The upside is that the aforementioned antibiotics really worked to kill whatever infection was prolonging my cough and congestion, so I could start getting better! So, best and worst of health in one month.


Much of work life has become a source of grating irritability and tingling bits of despondence. The frustrations pile atop each other, while the compensatory benefits fade into the background. It’s never a good sign when you have to keep reminding yourself that a steady paycheck is a good thing.

But! Once I had an ounce of spare energy, I started working on a few projects that may form the cornerstone of a new job, the spark came back and I was eager to hop (haha, just kidding, crawl) out of bed to work on this or that bit. I’m still miles away from pulling it all together but the most important thing was getting started.


You may have noticed some new images around these here parts? HUGE thanks to Abby for giving me a kickstart, encouraging and helping me get those Pinterestable images started. The hope is that they will help expand the reach of the blog, which needs a bit of help supporting itself, without compromising on the fun or the quality you’ve come to expect. What do you think of them?


How was your March? What’s on the slate for April?

*Part of Financially Savvy Saturdays on brokeGIRLrich and, Disease Called Debt*

10 Responses to “Net Worth & Life Report: March 2016”

  1. Cassie says:

    I think your new pictures are great ๐Ÿ™‚ I noticed a little while back that they definitely looked a lot more polished.

  2. Dang earthquake insurance is a lot! I don’t have that or even renter’s insurance (which I know I should, because it’s relatively inexpensive and this is a high burglary area). I’m sorry your pain has been so bad. ๐Ÿ™ grrr t those unexpected expenses!

    • Revanche says:

      EQ insurance doesn’t seem to be worth it for renters since it’s covering damage to the property but if you have some REALLY valuable stuff, maybe? I can’t recall if renters will cover loss due to “acts of God / natural disasters”.

  3. Abigail says:

    A www shucks. Happy to help. Of course, annoyingly they now look nicer than mine, but I won’t begrudge you it… Much.

    Glad you splurged on nice tissues. Tim decrees “Nothing but Puffs” when he’s sick because his nose chafes so badly. Totally worth a little more.

    • Revanche says:

      Funny you say that, I still keep looking at yours like, hmm I can’t quite make it that good but close enough?

  4. Linda says:

    It’s good to hear you’ve turned the corner and are on your way to mending! Whenever I’ve had a bad cold I get the lotion tissues because they make a huge difference in my (already compromised) personal comfort level.

    I’ve noticed the graphics on your blog and at I Pick up Pennies. I can understand why they’re added, but I’m sure it’s a pain in the a** to have to create an image for every blog post.

    I do not have earthquake insurance. Since I don’t own a house, I can’t think of why I’d need it. What’s going to get ruined? A TV? Those are cheap and easily replaced. Even if I had to replace the entire contents of my house, I don’t think it would be worth the premiums. I do have renter’s insurance, though.

    March was all about trying to find my energy. April is going to be about finally getting my act together and starting to build my health again.

    • Revanche says:

      EQ insurance wouldn’t be worth it as a renter since you’re not on the hook if there’s major property damage. You’d just have to find a new place to live ๐Ÿ™‚

      Yay for rebuilding health in April <3

  5. Sometimes spending a little extra on tissues to keep your face from being destroyed is exactly what money is for. I wish I’d been kinder to my nose during this endless cold I’m in the middle of.

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