By: Revanche

Emerald City 2016

June 20, 2016

Emerald City Comic Con 2016: We'll definitely do this againOur travel cost breakdown

Lodgings, 48,000 StarPoints / $0 (cost if paid out of pocket, $859.65)*
Airfare for 3, $350
Rental car, $250
Boarding, $450
Taxi, $50
Groceries and eating out, $240
Gas, $20
Gifts and things, $100

total: $1460

* This is why I love my SPG American Express. We pay a $95 annual fee, and redeem an average of $500-$1000 in hotel room value per year.

On food.
Meals were eclectic. Usually our lunches or dinners are the highlight of the food experience but it was flipped this trip. Lunches were picked up from a food truck (meh) and sandwich shop (awesome). Dinners ranged from fantastic Indian food, to average sushi (which still makes me sad to this day, I was so looking forward to it), to sandwiches from the amazing deli. We supplemented with the free Noosa yogurt they kept handing out at the convention center – JuggerBaby is a HUGE FAN.

Breakfasts were the fun stuff. PiC would take JuggerBaby out for an adventure every morning and they’d bring me back some yummy tidbit from Pike Place or something thereabouts. Favorites: Piroshky Piroshky, The Crumpet Shop, Honest Biscuit and Top Pot Donuts.

On tourist stuff and having fun.
We were in town for Emerald City Comic Con and to meet up with local friends. It’s great to be centrally located or located close by one another so we can easily spend a little time on the Con floor and then get back for JuggerBaby’s nap or to have dinner with friends. We still haven’t been to the Space Needle but I’d like to one day, just to do it.

:: Have you visited Seattle? Do you have any must-see or must-eat recommendations? What’s your usual travel budget for a longer than a weekend trip? 

6 Responses to “Emerald City 2016”

  1. Someday I’ll go to ECCC. Someday.

  2. I haven’t been to Seattle since the 90s, so I have no advice beyond Pike’s Place Market, and coffee that isn’t Starbucks. (Actually, that second one is my advice for every vacation; I try to avoid chains, with some exceptions, when traveling. Because what is the point of going someplace different if I eat what I can eat anywhere, I ask?)

    Baguette loves Noosa yogurt, too. Or, more accurately, I love Noosa yogurt. She loves Greek (style) yogurt with honey.

    • Revanche says:

      Very good rule. Unless we’re desperate for something RIGHT NOW we try to think local and non-chains for all our good eats. Or unless the chain is local only.

  3. Tim’s always jealous when he finds out you got to go. We never went when we lived there since we were living so close to the bone.

    I’m uber-impressed you found airfare for $350 total. Insane!

    • Revanche says:

      Amazing airfare is a huge piece of the cost puzzle. I suppose I should really have included the badge costs in there, I completely forgot. I’m always looking at ways to cut the cost more, but we haven’t been able to get frequent stayer points with the dogsitter. That would be a huge savings!

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