By: Revanche

San Diego Comic Con 2017 recap

August 9, 2017

SDCC 2017 RecapOur travel cost breakdown

Food and lodgings, $125*
Gas, $143
Parking, trolley: $20
Car rental, $317
Books, $100
Badges, $240**

Total: $1,022

* We lodged with friends this year, and they never let us pay for that, so we paid for take out one night.

** This was for two days and two adults. SDCC has a great child badge policy – children are free up to age 11.

This year, the weather was so much better than last year when it was well over a hundred degrees Fahrenheit!

The lottery systems this year

Badges: success for us by the skin of our teeth. A good friend wasn’t able to get enough days to make it worth coming out so this was only sort of a win.

Hotels: not necessary this year.

Parking passes: one of the 7 of us got into the lottery! (It was me.) I bought passes for all four days but on consideration, passed that along to my friend because we decided to try the trolley this year. And also because he missed the lottery. Now that JuggerBaby is mobile, it was a really big place we could save, assuming we survived the experience. Every parent of a toddler knows that they go boneless, right? This kid has been practicing that since infancy. It’s awful.

Anyway, the passes were $191.80, versus the $20 we paid for two adults, so it’s a big price tag. That convenience can’t be overstated some days, if you’ve been trudging along for 8 hours logging mile after mile on the exhibit floor! But we were already paying for a rental car to reduce wear and tear on our two cars that are incidentally due for service, so we survived without it this year.

On making it happen.

I found myself dreading the week, rather than anticipating it. This is the second year I’ve felt this way, this time it had everything to do with all the work we had to complete before and after, with the reno. Too much stress!

It was also a bit weird because many of our friends couldn’t come this year, so it was an awfully quiet year but I’m so glad we went. That’s the most relaxed and at home I’ve felt all year, eating with and catching up with Mama S.

On food.

We thought we’d try our hand at cooking with Mama S this year, but it wasn’t a good time for it. We feasted, still: my annual pancit and lumpia, the original baked pasta and garlic bread.

We packed our PB&Js for lunch this year, avoiding the fancy deli meat and veggie sandwiches we used to be weighted down by, and snacks, as always, to avoid the atrocious and overpriced convention center food. I always think it might be better this year, but it never is. 

On having fun.

This was a funny old year. Half of our now-usual crew were in attendance, and we picked up a handful of first timer friends to escort around the exhibit hall. We have a Marco! Polo! system by text – we clump together when we find a good booth, we expand and filter out to explore, then text our location to re-cluster the group. There isn’t planning or rhyme or reason, it just works organically.

This year’s exhibit hall was chock full of cute things and fantastic displays. I was hard pressed not to go on a buying spree – only the knowledge that I didn’t want to pack another 60 pounds of detritus saved me.

There was an astonishing Tamatoa cosplayer, a life size Lockjaw promoting the Inhumans show, fabulous (as always) new Lego creations.

We discovered awesome artists, we visited awesome favorites, we laughed til we cried at JuggerBaby.

Empowered by the fantastic superhero costume my unspeakably awesome friends had commissioned, ze spent the whole first day “flying” in spurts through the crowded exhibit hall. No sooner did one of us catch up to the slippery scamp, ze would throw zir “wings” out and race off again shouting “uncle, look at meeeeeeeee!”

Uncle was charmed, of course, and threw over all his plans to run along behind my stampeding bull toddler all day.

I tell zir often that ze’s lucky to be cute but cute won’t last forever.

The second day, ze kept chanting “where is Spider-Man?” No one knows where that came from – we haven’t introduced Spidey to zir lexicon yet! All day, where is Spider-Man?

Uncle spotted a particularly good one and shouted back to me, whereupon I turned and pointed to our right, look, JuggerBaby! Spider-Man is right there!

Spidey heard us and went into a web slinging crouch for zir. As Spideys do.

JuggerBaby, face frozen in a rictus of horror, scaled my leg trying jump right back into the womb. “NO NO NO!”

Poor confused Spidey. He crouched further down to make himself shorter, inoffensive, non-threatening. He did a stupid little jig to look like a clown. Finally he cowered, hiding his head a little, apologetically, because JuggerBaby was having NONE OF IT.

Sputtering, I tried to reassure zir that it was ok and Spider-Man wasn’t going to hurt zir but my sincerity may have been muffled by the choked back laughter.

For the next twenty minutes, ze declared vehemently: I don’t want Spider-Man.

Never meet your heroes, y’all.

On family time.

This is the only place I feel at home away from home. At peace. I forget sometimes that this is the home away from home to retreat to, then I arrive in July and find myself breathing serenely again.

Mama S is the mother of my heart. She’s the best. Period.

This isn’t to malign my irreplaceable mother who physically raised me, just filling my heart with people who are still here so it’s not so lonely. It’s a strange feeling to grow up with tons of family and then be separated from all of them whether by distance or by feud. I’m related to terrible people so I have chosen to distance myself from them and fill that space with good people.

That means being welcomed with open arms, seeing your pictures mingling with the family pictures, sitting around comfortably chatting about old times or random events that have meaning. That means knowing Grandma’s got your back when the toddler is trying to pull a fast one.

Books books and more books!

Highly recommended books are great.

For the adults:

For the whole family:

  • Skottie Young and Eric Shanower’s Oz Omnibus Hardcover
  • Shannon Hale’s Princess Academy is highly recommended, I might pick that up even though JuggerBaby’s not ready for it yet. For investigative purposes, you know.

For the kids:

Little Golden Books does Star Wars books! And DC books! I did not know this. JuggerBaby loves:

:: What would you have your eye on if you made this pilgrimage?

9 Responses to “San Diego Comic Con 2017 recap”

  1. Awww! Sounds like a great trip!

    • Revanche says:

      I’m really glad the ongoing stress back home didn’t manage to keep us from going, it was such a good year.

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun. Our kid doesn’t like getting close to cosplayers either. The costumes are a bit strange and scary. 🙂

    • Revanche says:

      I hope ze starts to appreciate cosplay enough to enjoy seeing it, at least. There are some pretty great costumers out there 🙂

  3. Kris says:

    Sounds like it was a lot of fun! I’m glad you had such a good time. 🙂

  4. OMG…I love pancit! I’m jealous that you had someone to make it for you. Sounds like a great trip!

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