By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Twinsies edition

September 13, 2018

Just a little link love + small wins

The best hot dog story I’ve ever read.

Lovecraft was breathtakingly malevolently racist. I love that China Mieville and Nnedi Okafor respectively deal with being honored in their field with a horrific racist’s bust this way:

I put it out of sight, in my study, where only I can see it, and I have turned it to face the wall. So I am punishing the little fucker like the malevolent clown he was, I can look at it and remember the honour, and above all I am writing behind Lovecraft’s back.

Sniff. I knew Cait from her Blonde on a Budget days and I’ll miss her voice.

Lofty goals for California, hattip to Cloud for cluing me in: California approves goal for 100% renewable energy by 2045

Tough Love: When Bad Things Happen in the Wilderness

Cloud on Reclaiming Time. A friend with an older child talked about this playing into their decision not to have a second child or to add a dog to their family yet. She’s enjoying having her time back and I think it’s really smart of her to make a conscious decision to protect her time.

This is why intersectional feminism and eliminating toxic masculinity is for everyone when men are assaulted, they are also dismissed, called liars, and disbelieved. Sexual assaulters can go on and hurt many more people before the first targets will be believed. This is atrocious. We need to do better for everyone: women, men, children.

Angela’s garden updates are awesome.


4 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Twinsies edition”

  1. Yuuuup re: Lovecraft. It always puts me a little on edge when people in our social circle claim to *love* his work. Also how much fantasy horror culture derives from his stuff. Something something something separate the artist from his art, I guess?

    • Revanche says:

      I often just ask if they are at all aware of his racism because I most certainly didn’t know anything about it until recently. I’d only read maybe one or two of his works, at best, and knew him best as sort of the foundation of a specific type of horror.

      I don’t separate an artist from his art though. If you’re not a good human, that’s it for me.

  2. Time is definitely a huge factor in us not having a second kid. I am loving having even a tiny bit of it clawed back for myself lately. And omg those twinsies 😍

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