By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: mountain lion shell game edition

April 25, 2019

Just a little link love

Oh, nostalgia! I loved Babysitter’s Club!

Penny’s got enough cash to cover her mortgage. That’s faaaabulous.

What do you want to make your legacy?

If You Ever Hurt My Daughter, I Swear to God I’ll Let Her Navigate Her Own Emotional Growth

19 bedrooms and 25 bathrooms. More kitchens than days of the week. Sold for just 2.9 million!

What if we lived among giant animals?

I wonder what prompted these changes to New Zealand’s visa and tourism policies.

An interview with Kassandra Dassant, talking finances after 40: Building her Business and Finding Her Purpose. This is a timely read / series for me as I examine how I want to end my 30s and how I want to enter into my 40s.

As much as I would like to share JB in all zir glory here sometimes, I won’t. Ze deserves better than to discover in five or ten years that all zir life has been made public without zir knowledge or consent. If I had discovered that as a preteen or a teen, I would have thrown up.

I really expected the mountain lion to smack the human for messing with it

6 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: mountain lion shell game edition”

  1. I share things about Baguette under her real name on Facebook (and less of that, as she gets older), but I have always had a firm policy of not doing so elsewhere. For example, you may have suspected that “Baguette” is not her real name. She also has a face, and not just a back of the head, but I don’t share that beyond Facebook, either. I also try to be careful about what I say, even using pseudonyms–I want her to have plausible deniability.

    • Revanche says:

      I would never have guessed she wasn’t really named Baguette! 😀

      Similarly, I don’t share JB on FB or Instagram at all and I hope that we can ease zir into the world of social media in a responsible way.

  2. Thank you SO much for featuring the inteview that @76kProject did with me. I really do want women to look at their 40s as a potential period of renaissance if you will. Merci beaucoup 🙂

  3. OFG says:

    This has been such a rough few months, but it brightened my day to see you linked to the post about my mom. I love these link love posts. I always star them and come back to read through the links when I find a quiet minute. Thank you for sharing.

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