By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (14)

May 17, 2019

Good Things Friday (1)

1. Friday: I dropped small Mother’s Day notes in the mail to a few people who mean a whole lot to me. I haven’t ever been able to write them before.

2. Saturday/Sunday: As usual, JB was up bright and early and I let that early wake-up drag me out of bed earlier than usual too so that I could start the laundry and catch up on work. Made good headway (Monday will thank me) and PiC spoiled me all weekend with taking JB so I could work, rest, and generally deal. I have extremely conflicted feelings about Mother’s Day (my loss, many dear friends have lost mothers too early) and like to keep it very quiet.

3. Monday: I was stumped for dinner ideas. Thankfully, PiC steps up when my ideas run dry and took care of it.

4. Tuesday: One Day at a Time was on in the background and I really enjoy that show.

5. Wednesday: Spinach and kale greek yogurt dip + cucumbers make a good healthy snack.

6. Thursday: We traded morning routines today and it worked really well. I got the dogs walked and fed, we saw a rainbow and got drenched. He got JB ready and ze didn’t whine or complain about getting ready! (I think. I don’t know, I was busy elsewhere.)

:: Tell me some of your good things! 

4 Responses to “Good Things Friday (14)”

  1. Let’s see, a few good things for me:
    -I’m having almost no knee/ankle pain, just in time for my race on Sunday
    -My sister & BFF are arriving this evening!
    -I am officially on sabbatical, as of the end of day today
    -I found a good deal on a gift card for a flight we need
    -My 12 year old did great at track finals, and won a ribbon for the relay. So cute!

    Hope you have a great week!
    Hawaii Planner recently posted…Frugal FridayMy Profile

  2. Kris says:

    BwC wakes up around 530-6 practically every morning. It doesn’t matter what time he goes to sleep the night before, it’s almost like clockwork he wakes that early. And since we co-sleep he shakes me to wake up too so I can get his breakfast ready. :/
    Some days I’m okay with it so I can get my day started early but other days I want to stay in bed and hope that he goes back to sleep too.

    • Revanche says:

      LOL yeah cosleeping means everyone is up early ALWAYS. But since JB has been sleeping in zir own bed, it’s only weekends that we are woken up early.

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