By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: the politest usurper edition

May 16, 2019

Just a little link love

Matt on the cases people make against charity. I definitely have a scarcity mindset and things like the unpredictability of the health insurance landscape (an example: the squeeze of high deductible high plans) or the high cost health care in general feed mine. But I still give, one way or another, to people who need help, to small creators, to causes we care about.

Related: activism is exhausting. For those of you who care about the world as it feels like it’s disintegrating around us, especially with the attacks on reproductive rights of late, this thread helped me do a little something for the people actually on the ground fighting for those rights.

Bitches Get Riches: I Was Happy to Marry a Poor Man. Then Things Changed.

Nicole Cliffe’s told the funny version of her grandmother (CW: suicide, substance abuse, and sexual abuse) online but this is the serious version.

Men who behave like this at first look like any other men, thus I look at all of them askance until I KNOW I’m safe around them. I also think he should have been moved to the worst seat and arrested coming off the plane.

Contentment is dramatically underrated.

K Wright nails what I think when people or companies like Chase are flippant about why people struggle with money.

Nicole Dennis-Benn: “I Wanted to Be a Mom. I Didn’t Want to Be Pregnant.” This is beautiful and has so much truth.

Don’t be a Natasha Tynes. I don’t get why people feel the need to police (particularly black women) people for doing necessary things like eating.

The politest (puppy) eviction

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