By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (19)

June 21, 2019

Good Things Friday (1)

1. Friday: Angela reminded me that I’d been leaving money on the table ignoring the Bing search engine and related Microsoft rewards. I’ve earned 9700 points so far! Of course I’m hoarding them so that when I redeem for my first $5 reward (6500) the ticker doesn’t go down to 0 immediately. I don’t like feeling like I’m starting all over again even if I am.

2. Saturday: I had the weirdest dream where I was at a library / grocery store (combined) with the family and JB pulled me away from my spot to do something. When I got back, my things were all gone: my bag, wallet, everything. Someone had gone through and taken everything out of my bag and distributed the contents throughout the shelves. That someone was a librarian. It was Very Weird. I woke up very glad that I make it a rule never to leave my things unattended if they’re out of line of sight and also that that didn’t happen at all.

3. Saturday: We mainly shop online to preserve time and energy but there are two things that I find most risky to order online reliably: shampoo/conditioner and stationery. I need to know how the former smells and how the latter feels. The last time I bought notecards, they were disappointingly thin paper and floppy. I took a risk on some Peter Pauper branded notecards a couple weeks ago, having never seen them in person, and they were really quite a perfect weight and thickness. Yay!

4. Sunday: We half celebrated Father’s Day on Saturday giving him half the day to himself and half on Sunday.

7. Monday: After dinner, JB went straight to the bathroom and did zir entire pre-shower routine without having to be told even once to do it. It was like a tiny miracle.

8. Tuesday: I won a random Amazon giveaway! That never happens! It was just a tiny thing but it was fun.

9. Wednesday: I had a long-awaited massage and my muscles were in shock. Those five minutes of existing entirely without pain post-massage are pure heaven. Invariably my aches all set in again but I savor every second of it.

10. Thursday: I’m ready for my 1x, 2x, or every 2 yearly-depending on how I feel- hair cut. It may be time to go Super Duper Short.

:: Tell me some of your good things!

4 Responses to “Good Things Friday (19)”

  1. Pre shower routine success! I’m impressed, kiddo! And hooray for tiny Bing rewards that make us overly happy for the small amount lol.
    Angela @ Tread Lightly Retire Early recently posted…Friday’s Frugal Five (2019 – Week 24)My Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I’m still pretty stoked by the idea that ONE DAY this kid could actually go bathe zirself without being reminded ten times what to do!

  2. I love how you take a log of your good things on a regular basis! If I go from last Saturday till today, my best thing was finally taking a trip to the Stormville flea market in upstate New York. It had been on my radar b/c I love flea markets and heard about it on Flea Market Flip (a very fun show if you like flea markets). I felt like a got a 2-for-1 b/c I was outdoors and walking a lot (exercise!) and I got amazing deals. I refreshed my wardrobe with 12 pieces, all name brands like Ann Taylor and Vera Wang, for just over $20 (shopping!).
    Caroline at Costa Rica FIRE recently posted…Pittsburgh Road Trip – Driving 1,100 Miles To Buy A ShirtMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I love the idea of flea markets but we haven’t ever found a great one, sounds like the Stormville one was awesome!

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