By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: I will survive edition

June 20, 2019

Just a little link love

BIAFRA, by nnedimma okorafor

May more fathers approach parenting like Mr. R&R.

A good guide to breastfeeding even without actual techniques.

I really like the idea of being busy in a way that lets me feel productive (by doing things that matter to me) but not under massive pressure.

Marjorie Liu on Keanu Reeves.

Help Angry Tias and Abuelas help others.

Hiro is nearly free of a terrible company.

For health reasons, I generally don’t get more than 5000 steps on average, not if I also want to get all my work done, be a present parent and partner, feed my family and tend to our dogs. The energy expenditure required to hit 10,000 steps a day simply isn’t worth it. Good to know that 10,000 steps baseline was totally not based on science.

The news just keeps making me sicker. This country is doing horrific, inhuman things.

We have concentration camps in America. Again.

I keep going back and forth on whether to take a cruise but knowing this makes me, at the very least, cross Princess and Carnival off our list: “Miami-based Carnival pleaded guilty Monday to six probation violations, including the dumping of plastic mixed with food waste in Bahamian waters. The company also admitted sending teams to visit ships before the inspections to fix any environmental compliance violations, falsifying training records and contacting the U.S. Coast Guard to try to redefine what would be a “major non-conformity” of their environmental compliance plan.Carnival has had a long history of dumping plastic trash and oily discharge from its ships, with violations dating back to 1993.

Gloria Gaynor – I Will Survive

4 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: I will survive edition”

  1. OFG says:

    I recently played “I will survive” on an ancient iPod by my mom’s hospital bed. She underwent a risky second surgery three weeks after the first one failed. I wanted to lift her spirits and I hoped music would help. I will always think of that moment when I hear this song. She was snapping her fingers midway through it and although she has a long recovery left she did survive. Such a strange minute that was. Fearing death, experiencing pain, holding out for hope and snapping her fingers as I tried to lift her spirits.

    • Revanche says:

      I’m so glad that the association with the song is that she did survive the surgery. May she recover fully, and sooner than expected.

  2. Karen says:

    Thanks for the Keanu Reeves article!

    Carnival has been dumping shit in the oceans since 1993… I’m so glad continual violations aren’t ignored and a business isn’t allowed to continue to pollute the world!

    I think 5000 steps is good.

    • Revanche says:

      I had no idea about Carnival! Yeah I logged over 10,000 steps on the weekend and I regret every single one of them over 5000.

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