By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (25)

August 2, 2019

Good Things Friday (1)

This is my weekly list of things that were good this week, even if they weren’t all unadulteratedly good things. Please do share your good things in the comments!

1. Friday: There’s nothing like a Friday afternoon – two whole days of freedom (or social obligations and chores but whatever, it’s not work) ahead. I’m glad I already did the week’s laundry. Thanks, Wednesday me!

2. Saturday: Everyone slept in, today, a little bit and I was glad for every minute. My body is doing weird stuff (assume constant pain and fatigue as the big picture) and I’m deeply exhausted so PiC and JB ditched me at home after swim lesson to go off and meet his friends for a playdate. I cleaned a couple small items, walked the dogs and gratefully went to bed. Thank goodness for a partner who sets up playdates and goes on them without me so I can rest when needed, and then texts me to remind me to rest lest I be overcome by my need to do things anyway.

3. Sunday: A Good Day. We got some sleep, got a little child free time to talk, went on a bit of a walk, played, rested, ate, pulled some weeds, then I rested some more while JB and PiC went to run errands. I missed the library but I desperately needed that nap to feel partially human again.

With a promise of a movie from the library, JB zipped through dinner and zir bath with hardly a single complaint, whine, or balk. Ze was sent off to the bathroom to start the bath routine and ze got it all started without being told, through gritted teeth, every single thing to do three times over. A small miracle, the miracle of bribery. Never doubt that ze would have lost the movie privilege if ze hadn’t.

4. Monday: Rough re-entry into the work week and a big reminder I’m not really feeling all the warm fuzzies for my job despite all the benefits from it. But I remind myself I have an extraordinary amount of freedom here that I would be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. And if occasionally I feel useless, I don’t have to put up a mask to hide that from judging corporate eyes the way I once had to.

5. Tuesday: Someone thanked me for taking care of a personal thing for them while I was off. It’s a small thing but it was impinging on my rare private time so it’s nice to have those things be appreciated.

6. Wednesday: I thank Sunday me for making tonight’s dinner.

7. Thursday: I’ve needed to go to the DMV for months to correct a typo on my paperwork. I go to AAA instead so it’s less agonizing but even that’s been a chore that I couldn’t find time for. It took a grueling 45 minutes on my feet, and triggered a pain cascade but I got it done today!

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (25)”

  1. Sick child has meant a super intense parenting week but managed to make the most of an early wake up to do something creative and brain-refreshing for a couple of hours!
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