By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: smol vs board edition

August 29, 2019

Just a little link loveYay for Penny’s mortgage dropping below 6 figures! Also for this brilliant way to make Mondays better.

It may be early but I like being really prepared for Terrible X phases.

Do you tend to have intense focus on one thing or balance all the things?

I love Luxe’s list of international travel tips, I started doing a lot of these even for domestic flights.

Angela’s Friday Five made me want to do better. As it often does. But in a good way!

Aitza’s cheap eats strategies for Europe. Ever since car seats became a thing in our lives, I’ve not felt any urge to travel internationally to non-Asian countries with JB (a number of Asian countries don’t require carseats and apparently it’s safe…) but the Done by Fortys are doing it!

The Hong Kong protests

An obituary for Bella Gerzenstein, a most remarkable woman

This is why Alexa and Siri are banned from my home. It’s basically the equivalent of consenting to bug my own home for the benefit of tech companies. NOPE.

On that note, now I have to sweep my hotel room for cameras among other safety precautions??

Amazon Has Ceded Control of Its Site. The Result: Thousands of Banned, Unsafe or Mislabeled Products

Dolphins Seem to Use Toxic Pufferfish to Get High

Disney’s lobbying on copyright laws is a bad thing.

In the company of their aunts, nephews and nieces know that they are privileged persons. The bonds of duty are somehow relaxed: they have no obligations but to be happy.” I relate to so many of those quotes. I have always maintained that loving aunties and uncles are a key to successful parenting. On the hard days, they can help out a bit or help us remember what is good about the kid. On the good days, it’s wonderful to share the love of the small human. Of course, JB adores the ones we have kept in zir life. And it’s so important to me as a person and as a parent to know that JB is surrounded by family we’ve chosen to fill in that hole left by the family we cannot have.

This is amazing

12 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: smol vs board edition”

  1. Thanks for the link love!

  2. SP says:

    Great links, as usual.

    I’m really reducing shopping on Amazon due to the issues mentioned in the article, which is probably for the best anyway. It used to be that I could type in the item I wanted and trust that a highly reviewed item near the top of the results was reputable, then it would be at my door in a few days! Now it takes a lot more careful vetting before being confident in my purchase.

    I quite want to do an international trip, but I’m worried it will turn out to be un-fun due to the hassles. So, when it comes time to make the decision, I keep saving the money instead of pulling the trigger.

    • Revanche says:


      I hadn’t been quite so careful recently and had been trying to reduce Amazon shopping for other reasons, but now I’m going to be doubling down on that! Target, here I come.

      I think our first international trip was when JB was 2.5 or 3? I can’t quite remember now, I could check the blog, but the flight there was absolutely terrible. Coming back was easier but there was a good amount of fun and a LOT of work. We’d done more domestic travel when ze was your LO’s age and that was a lot tougher because of teething and crying and …. baby stuff.

  3. Private surveillance is so weird and creepy, but the remedies are such high barriers. I would never own a smart home device, am seriously contemplating a dumbed down phone for my replacement, and am eager to shift to a privately hosted mail client and browser. Even then, with the proliferation of tiny cameras everywhere, I feel like any time I’m at a friend’s home I’m being listened to by Google or Alexa. Ditto fancy new houses with Amazon Ring or even in public places with security cameras. I expect things will only get worse over time

    • I’m so paranoid I don’t even want to use fingerprint passwords. This is really something the government is supposed to step in to regulate, but who can trust the government anymore?

    • Revanche says:

      Agreed on never having a smart home device, though it’s quite popular with everyone else unfortunately, so we ARE being watched/listened to everywhere else. YUCK.

  4. I LOVE that video of the little girl!

    In my chosen family members, it’s really heart warming to know that, despite blood or water, this person has decided and made an active decision to spend their time with you. It makes me feel all tingly just thinking about it! So I really loved that article about being an aunt. Now that I’m a mum, I wondered if I could only be one but it’s great to hear about other people doing both!

  5. Thanks so much for including me in this week’s link love, friend! We’re excited for the trip, though to be honest, a little apprehensive that we may have bit off more than we can chew. I guess we’ll see!

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