By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (31)

September 13, 2019

Good Things Friday (1)

This is my weekly list of things that were good this week, even if they weren’t all unadulteratedly good things. Please share your good things in the comments!

1. I’ve been experimenting with dropping my prescription meds one at a time. Though the “detox” (used lightly because I don’t think of those meds as toxic) has been weird, it seems to be good for me. ?!

I have no strong theories as to why but it may be that piling so many medications that were only partly effective had more side effects than benefits but we’ll see. At the very least, I had more non-depression days than depression days this past week, even with a crushing workload.

2. My crushing workload means there was no time for any new creative work this week which is a little disappointing, but I’ve had time to review the stuff I’ve made so far and I’m feeling good about them as beginner’s work. Also very proud: one of the books that I designed sold! I hope the buyer truly loves it.

3. We spent quality time with local friends, it’s taken several attempts to schedule but they were the first friends I’ve made in the area. PiC makes friends easily but I don’t and making the effort to socialize is a whole lot of work. It was a lot of fun with the adults and the kids. The kids were small cackling whirlwinds for a while, we enjoyed lunch together, then they got some tv / petting dogs time, while we adults caught up. We also did jigsaw puzzles.

4. We had a nice deep cleaning afternoon: JB helped change sheets and put pillows in pillowcases, PiC vacuumed, scrubbed the sink, did laundry I’d normally do during the week, and cooked dinner. I had a nice liedown.

:: How was your week?

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (31)”

  1. A few good things:
    -I survived my first business trip, post sabbatical
    -I made the most of soccer games this weekend, getting in walks during warm ups
    -i prepped & planned for a crazy week ahead, making sure we had plenty of easy meal options
    -We had M’s cousins over for dinner, which we end up doing incredibly rarely due to schedules. It was great to catch up
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