By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (32)

September 20, 2019

Good Things Friday (1)

This is my weekly list of things that were good this week, even if they weren’t all unadulteratedly good things. Please share your good things in the comments!

1. We met up with some out of state friends we haven’t seen in a long time, and won’t be able to visit again for a long while, and it was a whole lot of fun. We did way too much in a short period of time, though, so of course I paid a very real physical price after. Still worth it. We also put the remaining $150 travel credit on our Chase Sapphire Reserve card to good use.

2. JB had an amazing swim lesson – full on enthusiasm and joy and suddenly willing to try things ze has been afraid of for months. I can’t be sure of what helped zir turn the corner on them but it was such a delight to watch.

3. We watched Ponyo for the first time, a cousin recommended it as gentle enough for a sub-five-year-old, and it was cute. JB was still scared of bits of it but we got through it and ze wanted “another episode” after. Win! I’ve been wanting to share more than just the standard American tv/movie fare.

4. We visited a branch of my family that is kind and caring. It was a lot of talking and thinking and catching up, but I wasn’t totally drained afterward like I usually am from socializing. I did need a few days to myself afterward though, which, thankfully is the definition of my work for the most part.

5. My highly productive Saturday made me feel good emotionally though less good physically: cleaned the kitchen counters and had JB help clear the dining table, grocery shopped, picked books and movies from the library, and worked on some book designs.

6. I spent a lot of time following up with our CPA over an item she missed in our 2017 tax return. It took months but the check finally came in! Woot! That money goes right into the account for our property tax bill coming up.

:: How was your week?

4 Responses to “Good Things Friday (32)”

  1. I finally got a 4K reimbursement that has been stuck in red tape since I submitted it in MARCH(!)

  2. The week was rocky (first week back in the office, so much drama). But, for positive things, here we go:

    1) Closed on our refi, & locked in a sweet rate with no fees.
    2) My husband’s team got chosen for a special work prize, and he’s getting a trip to Hawaii. I found a Southwest flight for $300, and my parents are willing to switch days they are coming to visit, so I can join him. I really, really need the motivation right now.
    3) I sold an item on eBay that had been lingering for quite a while. Now that I’m not on sabbatical, I’m not actively listing, just keeping the stuff I already have up live.
    4) I made a delicious guacamole & pico de gallo to go with taco meat (from the freezer) last night for dinner. Those two sides really brightened up the meal.
    Hawaii Planner recently posted…Sunday happeningsMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Those are wonderful! I’m a touch envious that trips to Hawaii are an actual prize that actual people can win 😀 and I’m glad it’s going to to you two and you can go. How lovely!

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