By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (35)

October 11, 2019

Good Things Friday (1)

***FYI: I will be collecting donations for our Lakota families until Nov 17th. Details in the Giving paragraph. Half of any proceeds from the blog during this time (see sidebar) will also be added to those donations.***

This is my weekly list of things that were good this week, even if they weren’t all unadulteratedly good things. Please share your good things in the comments!

1. I redeemed my Bing points for a Target gift card: $25. I keep stalling, mostly because I like seeing large point totals, and a little bit because I worried that I’d just spend the gift card money on regular household needs instead of saving it for my robot vacuum. I’ll try to behave.

2. Dear friend gifted me a beautiful rice filled heat pack which has been such a boon for my sore neck and back. Since I can only hand sew, and rarely do I have time or does my body not hurt too much to do it long enough to make such a pack, this was the best gift.

3. We all got our flu shots and planned for it to hit us reasonably hard. It was a good thing. We spent the remaining part of the afternoon on the sofa with a movie while PiC cooked dinner, and then JB and I all headed to bed by 7 pm. I wasn’t planning to stay in bed after reading to zir but was out like a light and got the longest night of uninterrupted sleep in recent memory.

4. Speaking of valuing local things, we completed my quest to find a local independent bookstore to shop from! I won’t always be able to patronize them because I still have my physical limitations that knock me down for days at a time if I don’t respect them but I’m glad to have a place to go when I’m able and we’ll give them as much of our business as possible. We’re choosing to spend a little more to help keep a valuable shop in business.

We enjoyed their small kid section which had some toys for kids at kid sized tables and chairs and the owner was nice enough to not mind our hanging about for hours. We bought a pile of new and used books as gifts and requested a special order of a few more book for gifts. I also learned from the store owner that they had to pay to show up on and that’s why I couldn’t find them on there before.

5. I decided to satisfice my new glasses. After having done some research online at Zenni where it would have cost me $52.11 after a coupon for the exact same pair that I got last year, I went to Costco to price out a comparison pair. Costco is an out of network shop, but VSP will cover $80 frames and part of the lens cost. This is my first pair in two years, third pair in 15 years, so I decided that instead of spending another precious afternoon seeking out an in network provider, I decided that a $60 set of frames and $57 for the lens and copay were manageable. I take good care of my glasses and don’t replace them until I absolutely have to, but I’ve also been having migraines for 3 months so having the process started now makes more sense than suffering for another month or two while I vet another provider and eventually finally find the time to go to their office. I still have twinges of not having sought out a way to get the glasses for just the $25 copay but I’m going to have to be ok with this.

6. Ally announced they are offering commission-free trading on all U.S. exchange-listed stock, ETF, and option trades. Yay! I don’t buy or sell often but I like free.

:: Why does 57 degrees in the Fall feel absolutely frigid whereas the same temperature in spring and summer months is just chilly? How was your week?

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (35)”

  1. Mrs. Finance says:

    I really relate to this post. We use a rice heatpack too, but we fill up old socks that have lost their companion and then tie the top off. We microwave them whenever we need them. They aren’t the most fancy, but they get the job done. And also, I love that you use Bing poibts too. I’ve been made fun of for using Bing, but it’s nice getting some extra money for something you’re doing anyways.

    • Revanche says:

      I have the worst luck with rice leakage in the sock route! I’m glad it works for you.

      I am IMPERVIOUS to people making fun of me for using something that makes money 😀

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