By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (41)

November 22, 2019

Just a little link love

1. We had a dear friend come stay with us for the weekend. We haven’t spent time with them in months and this was a very nice visit. I got curious to see how much use our guest room gets annually, this year was a low occupancy year, so I checked our calendar. We’ve hosted 6 separate individuals or family groups for a total of 39 days. We normally would have closer to about 50 days in a year, but fewer separate individuals/groups. We use that room as a laundry room in between visits so that I’m not cluttering up our sofa with to be folded clothes, so it gets good use year-round.

2. We had another unplanned visit from PiC’s friends and he had a good time catching up with them. JB was over the moon because those friends brought over their infant and ze loves wee babies. The wee baby really liked zir, too. Luckily I like these friends.

3. I’m pretty happy with my change to our spending/saving spreadsheet style over to a checkbook register style than a single calendar view. Again, it’s imperfect because I have many needs and desires for tracking our money but I am quite happy with this current iteration. It lets me get more granular than my calendar vies did before and I can much more easily keep an eye on when expenses get really lumpy and our checking account runs low. This is good. FOR NOW. 😀

4. I tried using an Oxi-Clean paste to scrub our bathroom grout and it worked really well! My hands hurt like the dickens because there is such a thing as overenthusiastic scrubbing but boy is that grout clean.

5. Did you know that Target does price matching? I don’t know why I keep forgetting that but it solved my mini-dilemma about a gift that would have been cheaper on Amazon. The CSR on chat was able to get that done in a minute.

6. We’re slowly making the last of our charitable contributions for the year.

Just thinking: I’ve been pondering things I want to add to our lives but we can’t yet accommodate in our regular budget. For JB, self defense lessons, $100/month. For me, Pilates classes specifically geared towards seniors and people with disabilities, $200/month (but also, time, who has it??). For Sera, one training consultation, $300/each (holy moly. This is the one training group that comes recommended by a rescue group we have history with, I can’t even get other trainers to return my call). For all of us, $$$$$ for home maintenance projects we need to complete. I also need orthodontia work and have made some initial inquiries into Invisalign but I really don’t feel ready to face it yet.

:: If you have grout and tile cleaning secrets, please share! I really need a more energy efficient way than “spend an hour on each 3×3 scrubbing til my hands hurt”.

8 Responses to “Good Things Friday (41)”

  1. Kris says:

    Some of Target’s products online have a cheaper price than what they offer at the store. It’s why I just order the stuff online and have it set for pick up at the store. Luckily my work is close to a Target so I go there whenever we need to buy anything over there…especially baby products!!
    Kris recently posted…Chase Bank Total Checking ReviewMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Sometimes! I order online because I can’t spare the time and energy to go shopping but it also helps to get cashback and better prices.

  2. NZ Muse says:

    I just… ignore our grout basically all the time? But I hear toothpaste does the trick (and I did try it once and I think it worked well).

    Ouchies on the trainer consult. We did one that was I think about half that price and even that was painful to bite the bullet on. Am surprised you aren’t even getting your calls returned … although I’ve had similar experiences with tradespeople, so maybe not that surprised?
    NZ Muse recently posted…What it REALLY takes to dismantle a lifetime of childhood baggageMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Ignoring it means ours turns black and gross and it starts growing things? I think that’s what’s happening? It’s not clear but for sure it’s gross.

  3. Have you tried Clorox Tile-X? Spray on and just let it alone?
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…Link LoveMy Profile

  4. GYM says:

    ooooh didn’t know that about Oxiclean!

    I just use a mix of baking soda, bleach, and vinegar (from what I recall). Good for you for cleaning grout, that’s one of my least favourite things to do.
    GYM recently posted…PF Blog Round Up: Travel Hangover EditionMy Profile

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