By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (45)

December 20, 2019

1. The NOT good thing is I have a huge pain flare up today. It woke me from a rare deep sleep, it was so bad. No idea if it was diet / weather / sleeping wrong related.

So this morning I am deeply grateful for heating options like my fabulous rice bag gift from my dear friend, my hot tea and the means to heat it (which I do not take for granted with the power outages of late), and my heat patches that got me through the first hour from 2 to 3 am when it was all I could do it just keep breathing.

2. I was lucky enough to have booked a massage several weeks ago for this week and though it was nearly impossible to get away on time, I made it to the appointment. My therapist got the pain down from severe to just below moderate. I can just about deal with that while also stressed to the GILLS preparing for the holidays. Now, I just have to kick the dregs of this cold. I can never be so foolish as to say “I’m about to kick this cold” because then it gets stronger and turns on me with a vengeance. The second round of the same cold is twice as evil.

How’s your immune system this week?

3. I always try to be done with the financial books before mid December so if there are any last minute transactions to be made, I can make them in the year. Reminder of that time I tried to do some tax loss harvesting and totally fumbled the ball – selling off the stock so late that the transaction processed in the next year. Whoops!

I’ve updated most of our spreadsheets for our rental property (thank you thank you thank you Past Me who took the time to update that sheet up through October), for our tax preparation including all our itemized deductions and miscellaneous income, and leading into 2020 for our day to day expenses.

Have you tackled your tax documents yet or do you have a good system for this whole mess?

4. JB’s friend lost a parent suddenly and unexpectedly this week. We were so sad to hear it and had to share the news with JB to see if ze wanted to attend the funeral. Ze did, and composed a really solid condolence letter as ze processed the idea that Mr H was dead and not even 100 years old yet: “Dear Xav, I’m sorry your parent died. I love you.”

Our writing lessons are bearing fruit.

5. I’ve always been a milk chocolate eater but I decided that Nicole and Maggie’s recommendation of very omigah dark chocolate (sugar free) is better than no chocolate and I’m adjusting to the bitterness. Each passing day the bitterness seems less so in a couple weeks I should be set with one little non painful treat?

4 Responses to “Good Things Friday (45)”

  1. I think the switch from milk to dark chocolate is initially difficult, but ultimately rewarding–partly because they tend to use higher quality chocolate in the darks than in the milks!
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…Ask the grumpies: What is your favorite travel destination?My Profile

  2. Sending good thoughts for you to be feeling fabulous & enjoy the holidays with your family.
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