By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Benebrick edition

January 30, 2020

Just a little link love

If you’d like to join me in helping Lakota families and/or rural libraries this year, please read this post. Over 6 weeks in 2019, we raised $2669.94 for the Lakota families, touching 27 lives. What can we do in 2020? Current total: $443.24 for both initiatives.

One Frugal Girl and I are kindred spirits in chronic pain and our pain has been exceptionally bad these past few weeks. I would envy her the financial independence that gives her the ability to not work to pay the bills during her flare-ups, it’s something I don’t have that eats at me, but that would imply that I resent her having it when I don’t. I don’t at all. I’m so glad for her that she does have that ability to not work while having flare-ups. I’m just wistful and wishful that I had made better choices earlier, that I had seen Dad’s fraudulence earlier, that I’d saved my money for myself instead. I’ve never sought FI for travel and glamorous life type reasons. It’s always been self preservation. I just wish I’d seen the self preservation part earlier. I wish a lot of things.

Our immigration policies are ugly and awful and have real consequences for real people.

I watched Togo and was definitely stressed in the tough parts and wanted to read everything about sled dogs (I always do). Blair Braverman came through with a twitter thread on lead dogs.

More Excel formulas to learn! I know a few but I don’t work in Excel that much so there’s lots to work with here.

Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village

I don’t know why this is limited to California but if you want to tell Target not to sell your info, you can! Personally I feel like all companies should be required to not sell info we have given them but that seems unlikely to happen.

Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market

7 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Benebrick edition”

  1. Diana says:

    Chronic illness is the worst–I’m with you and thinking about you.

    Thanks for linking to my immigration piece. It’s even worse now with the new fee structure…

  2. S. says:

    RE about why you can limit Target from selling your data: A law passed last year of ‘California Consumer Privacy Act’ took effect on Jan. 1.

  3. Thanks for linking to my post. I cut a lot of the gory out of it and now I kind of wish I’d left it in. I guess I’ll have to write more about this topic soon. This quote broke my heart a little: “I’m just wistful and wishful that I had made better choices earlier, that I had seen Dad’s fraudulence earlier, that I’d saved my money for myself instead. I’ve never sought FI for travel and glamorous life type reasons. It’s always been self preservation. I just wish I’d seen the self preservation part earlier. I wish a lot of things.” I feel like I lucked into a lot of my savings. I got out of school and started in a high paying career that I never expected. We started saving right off the bat and then the medical stuff propelled me to save more. I am the flip side of your coin with your dad though. My parents provided me with a college education that gave me such a boost towards everything else. I wish you hadn’t struggled both physically and emotionally on that extra front. Modern medicine is always advancing. I hope that they create solutions for those of us who suffer.

    • Revanche says:

      A second post, oh no! 😉 I would love a second quote.

      So much of our lives are influenced by luck. I’m glad yours was more good in the other things because you’re a good person and you do good things with your luck.

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