By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (60)

April 10, 2020

If you’d like to join me in helping Lakota families and/or rural libraries this year, please read this post. Over 6 weeks in 2019, we raised $2669.94 for the Lakota families, touching 27 lives. What can we do in 2020?

Current total: Lakota, $640.74; Rural libraries, $321.62.

1. Brain therapy was tough and good. I found it hard to agree that I should be kinder to myself, that I deserved to let my body rest without being harsh about it letting me down when I inevitably need way more rest than I think is “normal” or “acceptable” after a certain amount of activities.

Challenges this week: A loved one is going through a really terrible time with their abuser. They’re trying to get out and stay out but the outlook isn’t good for the vulnerable children, the adults in the legal system are NOT standing up for them the way the parent trying to escape is trying to get them to, and they definitely don’t understand how bad it’s going to get. It’s beyond infuriating. PiC’s job is now potentially in jeopardy and THAT is frightening and infuriating.

2. I treated myself to Seanan McGuire’s Imaginary Numbers on Kobo (Amazon) (IndieBound). I am really trying to like Kobo but it is taking a bit of getting used to.

3. Our friends are getting a puppy and this means I get puppy pictures and videos!! I love puppies. I love other people getting puppies and doing the work so I can enjoy them without the work.

4. I learned a new word: kakistocracy. Yeah. That’s what we’re in.

5. I’m so grateful for this place we live even with the outsized mortgage. It’s not a ton more space but it’s less hemmed in and we’re not as exposed to other people when we walk the dogs. JB wistfully wished we could be at the old place because they can’t remember what it looks like, but we adults are so grateful for the space we have.

6. A friend joked that my cash hoarding habits have now been proven to be wise after all. Hah! It is true! They always were tailored for my level of concern which was, evidently, approximately pandemic level. I don’t regret focusing on investing for the past couple of years too, while I maintained high levels of cash equivalents, though a wistful part of me wishes that I had held on to all that cash for an eventual crash and then invested. But it was more important to teach myself when enough is enough for cash holdings or I would never break the habit of hoarding in a way that lets inflation eat our lunch.

7. Our auto insurer finally got on the refund bandwagon. We should see a 25% premium credit starting sometime in June. That was unlooked for but I’m glad.

:: How are you keeping healthy and occupied? Cross your fingers for a good outcome on PiC’s job?

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (60)”

  1. Amy says:

    Our auto insurer will be offering a 15% discount the next time that we renew. If I am to actually do something good with that savings, I guess I better transfer the difference into savings or into the ROTH IRA.Reference

    • Revanche says:

      Yes that would be a perfect way to ensure those savings are actually meaningful to you and don’t just disappear in the fog of other transactions.

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