By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: past time for justice in the US edition

June 4, 2020

If you’d like to join me in helping Lakota families and/or rural libraries this year, please read this post. Over 6 weeks in 2019, we raised $2669.94 for the Lakota families, touching 27 lives. What can we do in 2020?

Current total: Lakota, $1,570.70; Rural libraries, $321.62.

Just a little link love

Black Women Best: Economics Has a Diversity Problem, And Here’s How It Affects Everyone

@KWright070: I’m seeing a few discussions around PF Twitter that seem to suggest you can either talk about race or finance but you can’t talk about both at the same time. I know it’s a really hard concept to grasp so here are some examples:

Mr SSC is working on undoing the racism that he harbored growing up, and I think it’s so important that we all do the work.

I was pretty mad that the founder of the biggest financial media conference could be so breathtakingly flippant and callous about current events. You may not agree with how the press covers everything, I most certainly don’t and I have critiques of them just like anyone else. But they are shining a lot on some serious corruption and abuse of power and letting us see SOME of the truth out there while we’re (if we’re not Black) safe in our homes (if you’re Black, I know you’re not even safe in your own homes and I would never gloss over that horrible reality). They are risking themselves, literally in many cases, as the police attack them. A photojournalist I know has been permanently blinded in one eye because of a police officer shooting a rubber bullet at her face. To dismiss their efforts as  “media hype”, and saying that’s the cause of the issues we are facing as a society just hurts my stomach. He later issued a “I’m sorry you were offended” type of apology, but at that point, his other actions of bullying women into silence and even driving them out of the community came out: bullying Tori about calling out misogyny and demanding retraction of her tweets, coming after Melanie and undermining her financially by badmouthing her to her sponsors, keeping people silent through intimidation.

How the Personal Finance Sphere Upholds Systemic Racism

Angela at Tread Lightly’s links this week.

Cup of Jo surprised me with actually addressing On Becoming Anti-Racist.

10 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: past time for justice in the US edition”

  1. I’m glad these conversations are being had. The PFsphere has been dominated by such a bootstrappy, dog-whistley, toxic community for so long that I rarely venture out of the few blogs I’ve read for a while and know align with my values. Though I knew there were problems with Rockstar Finance management, I had no idea the FinCon founder was so bad. Sigh, people are disappointing.

    • Revanche says:

      I’ve discovered a lot of good PF bloggers out there or PF people who don’t blog anymore, but the bootstrappy, dog-whistley, toxic folks seem to get all the press and links and they do dominate spaces like FinCon. I’ve heard that attempts to change that at FinCon with adding more diversity tracks have been rejected for years, which is a shame, but makes sense in light of the founder’s views. We’ll see if his stepping down changes anything.

  2. YES on that second link (yes on all the links, but I want to expound on that second one).

    I think I’m going to have to write a post about how Not Saying Anything IS a political statement. Both side-ism IS taking a side. Silence IS consent*.

    I swear, if I read one more blog post this morning that says that race is off topic from public finance or academia or LIFE… What is it with today?

    *for racism (not for sexual intercourse which should have affirmative consent)

    • Revanche says:

      I have missed those blog posts that you saw – I am curious whose those were but also glad that people I didn’t expect to see speaking up are doing so.

  3. Thank you for sharing these links. I hadn’t seen many of these posts. It has been a very tough few weeks but I’m heartened by the dialogue that is happening.

  4. It’s good we are having an open discussion on these topics at least now. Thank you for compiling these helpful links in one spot.

  5. SP says:

    Thanks for such great links this week, highlighting the terrible things that are out there – whether the media talks about them or not…

    By the way, I couldn’t see the tweet you linked because only your twitter followers can see it. But actually, I do follow you on twitter, so I logged in for the first time in years to see the deets Anyway, just FYI in case you were intending for non twitter folks to also be able to access it.

    • Revanche says:

      Oh right, I temporarily went private for a few days, so I’ll change that now so readers and non-followers can see it.

  6. […] Revanche: Just a little (link) love: past time for justice in the US edition […]

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