By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Master Splinter bear edition

July 30, 2020

If you’d like to join me in helping Lakota families and/or rural libraries this year, please read this post. Over 6 weeks in 2019, we raised $2669.94 for the Lakota families, touching 27 lives. What can we do in 2020?

Current total: Lakota, $1,713.62; Rural libraries, $321.62.

Just a little link love

K. Wright’s right: The Privilege of ‘Always Negotiate’ I have always advocated for myself and negotiated for more money, but it doesn’t always work, it doesn’t always work to the degree that I hope or want or deserve, and I know that more than a few people would penalize me for even asking. I’ve had a strange combination of luck where the workplaces are incredibly toxic but either I had the backing of a strong advocate or they felt like their hands were tied so they had to give me more but they also punished me for it.

I’m not at all surprised that Courtney Milan’s white doctor husband gets no pushback when he stands up for patients’ rights to refuse an exam vs Michele Harper’s experience but I am utterly and completely disgusted with law enforcement and her trainee and her former colleagues who obviously did not have an issue with violating patients’ rights.

Related: I also think that the officer and watch commander should have been personally liable for their actions in arresting Utah nurse Alex Wubbels when she refused to comply with their illegal demands, not just fired and demoted. Maybe that’s what it takes to get officers of the law to actually respect the law they’re supposed to uphold.

Also related: I am so incredibly tired of terrible people.

I hope white people stay out there screaming this truth until it finally breaks the police and federal government brutality.

Brave Saver: “This is the core of what enrages me about traditional financial advice: it actively harms people. There are so many of us who read or hear personal finance advice that leaves us feeling ashamed, worthless, hopeless, and filled with despair. And how can we move forward when the solutions we seek all turn into emotional and mental blocks?” Note – I didn’t have this problem when I was using blogs as a resource 12-10 years ago but the PF world I delved into and loved was incredibly different then. It was almost all stories about people working through their struggles, it wasn’t all this making money off their platform How To and pushing an agenda.

Purple was surprised that she hit her FIRE number this year after all.

Yay for Kitty and paying off her mortgage! I wistfully think: gosh that’d sure be nice and also: gosh but I’m not willing to dump all our cash into the black hole of our mortgage because it needs so much to make it happy.


Bloodlines: short fiction by @etwurth

I cannot carry a tune in a bucket so I admire those who can. I don’t enjoy talent shows and reality shows as a rule but happened across ten year old Souparknika Nair’s Britain’s Got Talent audition and her voice just blew me away.

I hope this bear is doing this for fun

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