By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: inclusivity edition

October 8, 2020

If you’d like to join me in helping Lakota families and/or rural libraries this year, please read this post. Over 6 weeks in 2019, we raised $2669.94 for the Lakota families, touching 27 lives. What can we do in 2020?

Current total: Lakota, $1,816.35; Rural libraries, $346.69.

Just a little link love

Ways to plan ahead to cope emotionally this winter.

Unique elk in California may be killed under controversial plan

A good thread on testing and viral load and infectiousness.

I really struggle to understand people like the commenters on Noemi’s post: “I don’t want to pay for college for all, fund maternity leave for all, pay for health care for the masses when my own family does not have it.” Wouldn’t your family have these things, by definition, if we all had them? So … What exactly are you opposed to? Other people also getting those things? Is this a failure of logic or a declaration that you’d cut off your own nose to spite your face?

Moving along to deliberately choosing to not be an asshole, Solitary Diner does some thinking about conscious spending that I ponder from time to time when I’m running a financial fire drill or worrying about the future of our finances. Which may be much of the time. We’re, so far, doing well compared to so many others even if I don’t know if and when our jobs might be at risk. I’m doing my best to balance those concerns with today’s reality and planning for a rough ride in the future. I feel like I’m balancing plates in both hands and one on my nose! But it can be done, and we can still care deeply about giving back to the world in meaningful ways.

Purple’s last day of work, and her move to Atlanta. We are completely different people in so many ways but I truly admire her chutzpah. I don’t think a reality exists where I am still me and could stomach retiring on $500,000 even if the math bears out the projections every which way you run it. I’m just too risk averse! So living vicariously has to be it for me, for now!


For better or for worse ….

8 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: inclusivity edition”

  1. Ugh, I didn’t read the comments on that post, but boy did I dislike her followup post where she was like, “I’m sorry I didn’t provide a forum for selfish bigots without empathy because I’m a West Coast Liberal Elite, please, talk to me about how wonderful Trump is because you don’t get enough screen-time as it is.” No. They get plenty of screen time. They have the @#$3ing electoral college. They’re supporting voter suppression and electing people who suppress voters. They’re supporting racist fascists who want to lock up political opponents, shut down TikTok and WeChat, forcibly sterilize immigrant women seeking asylum, ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC. Like, they need to be ashamed of themselves and shut the @#$@# up. We don’t need to hear from them anymore. They are not marginalized. They are not brave. They have more of a voice than the people they are purposefully oppressing. I would much rather hear from the people whose voices they are shutting down– the immigrants, the people with brown skin, even young people who want a better future.

    @#$ Trump voters. If they still support him, either they are idiots who believe everything Fox News lies about Or the racism and fascism is a feature, not a bug.

    Signed– a person with empathy who is facing 3 Trump signs when she looks out her home office window in a state where she can’t safely grocery shop because Trump supporters believe it’s some kind of badge to refuse to wear a mask. I’ve got zero empathy for people who want to hurt others. None.

    • Revanche says:

      The “why don’t you have empathy for US” argument is frustrating as all get out. When was the last time his supporters had empathy for anyone else?? Or didn’t behave like awful people?

      I am not an endless font of empathy for people who actively harm others, in fact I have a policy against that, and they get way more airtime than they should which has only led to MORE hate and vitriol.

      The second post was … I don’t even know.

  2. One thing the virology thread doesn’t mention is that we are not standardizing the RT-PCR results to, say, total RNA, so the numbers are not actually meaningful in any way beyond “positive/not positive” according to an arbitrary cutoff. The test would actually have a lot fewer false negatives if anyone had consulted a few competent biochemists at the beginning of the damn pandemic.

  3. Bethany D says:

    That was a classy statement by Jane Fonda!

    That diagram = oooooo that is so Me.

  4. […] Agaishanlife explains why in a much more succinct way than any of my rantings could capture in this post and in her reply to me. She just nails it in a sentence or […]

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