By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (93) and Link Love

November 27, 2020

1. Actual cold has set in. We always have cool temps around the 60s but it’s now down to the 40s-50s range which is Cold for me. And I am ever so grateful that the money we’re paying for running the furnace isn’t just thrown away because we actually get warm air all through the house now! Yes this isn’t new anymore but I still appreciate it every day we run it.

2. All holiday gifts have been purchased, and almost all of them have been wrapped and delivered. I WIN!

3. We found a local Japanese curry place and a) they are taking lots of precautions (take out and delivery only, phone and online orders only, masks required, no indoor dining) which makes me so happy to support them and b) their food is delicious and makes me doubly happy to support them and my belly’s needs at the same time. Absolutely delightful!

Challenges this week: Brain fog. So much tired and brain fog.

4. I FINALLY got our mortgage loan number and our online account set up so I could pay the next bill. It only took 6 weeks, 19 emails, and 3 phone calls. Why did they have to make it so hard for us to pay?? The refinancing bank immediately sold our loan, that’s why.

But YIPPEE for getting that set up and paid, finally! I was getting extremely squirrely.

5. I decided to add the Target RedCard to our wallets. We previously mostly shopped them with gift cards but lately we’ve had to use them more for staples that we can’t get elsewhere. It made sense to use their credit card for that 5% discount and the better return window.

It also helps stretch our donation dollars further when we buy for other people like our Lakota Families.

6. We braved Costco the Sunday before Thanksgiving to stock up on a couple weeks’ worth of essentials and we made it out intact! You should have seen it there. You’d be proud too.

Just a little link love

This thread about contracting COVID is sad and scary and keeps making me think, I don’t know how we survive in a country where we have to tell people to care about more than just themselves and knowing they won’t.

On the Wampanoag welcoming and having friendly relations with the Pilgrims, James wrote in his undelivered speech: “This action by Massasoit was perhaps our biggest mistake. We, the Wampanoag, welcomed you, the white man, with open arms, little knowing that it was the beginning of the end.”

If you watch The Crown, you might enjoy this was piece on Diana and the aunties of the diaspora: Princess Diana Was The Opposite Of Everything Royals Represented

This thought had nothing to do with the question (the three bears of PF: too frugal, not frugal enough, just right?) but I was reflecting on how much we were able to give back and give ourselves this year despite or because of the pandemic. Just on the spending front, I can’t imagine spending like we did on quality items inside the home and on our home maintenance (and spending the time required to research and make those things happen) without having been forced to shed all our normal distractions and hobbies and social lives.

Wait what?? Are Dogs Spreading SARS-CoV-2? Study Finds Living With a Dog Increases Risk of Contracting COVID-19. I am annoyed this study didn’t delve into WHY they might be a higher risk factor.

America’s Best-Prepared Hospital Is Nearly Overwhelmed: What makes this “nightmare” worse, he adds, “is that it was preventable.” … Whether through gross incompetence or deliberate strategy, the president and his advisers left the virus to run amok, allowed Americans to get sick, and punted the consequences to the health-care system.

Healthcare and paid family leave potluck!

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (93) and Link Love”

  1. Finding a great takeout place is a huge win! We don’t get much takeout these days because we haven’t found many winners, but we did have a pizza delivery this week (treat from my parents) & I forgot how amazing it is to have a warm dinner just show up at your door! Bliss. 🙂

    I went to Costco on Wednesday morning (before Thanksgiving) & was shocked by how empty it was.

    • Revanche says:

      We don’t seem to have any decent delivery options for some reason, at least not direct from the restaurant which we try to stick to rather than using the delivery place to help the restaurants keep more money, but we are grateful for good takeout!

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