By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (158) and Link Love

March 4, 2022

1. Donated to support HIAS’ Ukraine crisis response.
2. Donated to World Central Kitchen to support feeding Ukrainian refugees.
3. Went down this list of how to help and support Ukraine’s resistance to the Russian invasion.
4. Donated to OutMemphis to support the Alternate Spring Break that helps trans people with name changes.
5. Donated to Project C.U.R.E. to supply humanitarian assistance, medical supplies and equipment to the people of Ukraine.
6. Donated to Equality Texas.
7. Donated to the Young Center to help support unaccompanied and separated children facing deportation. No children should be forced to face legal proceedings alone and yet our system does this to them.

8. Supported a friend’s crowdfunding to escape Arkansas.
9. Once in a long while, Smol has a looooong nap. Sunday morning was one of those days. I did some work AND laid down for a little bit. I’m generally primed for missing out on rest because babies have a sensor to wake up the minute a mom’s head hits a pillow but today allowed for some leisure. I also didn’t work that much, just enough to set up my other time zone people in order for their Monday, and started backing up my files to my external hard drive. Since the external hard drive is massive, I’ve decided that instead of trying to only replace the changed files, I’ll copy over the full set of files on a semi regular basis without worrying over the duplicates over time. I have so much space on there, it shouldn’t matter. After several versions of back ups, I’ll delete the oldest ones but I don’t need to waste time on that for a long while.

Challenges this week: Not sure it needs to be said? Ukraine. Attacks on trans kids and their families in Texas are already starting to result in investigations of parents (though a limited stay on that specific one was issued), the situation in Kabul is terrible, the GOP continues to attack all kinds of right including reproductive rights and voting rights.

Just a little link love

If I Got Rich, It Wouldn’t Be For Long. I don’t know how rich I’d need to be for it to last long but agree that deploying wealth to do good as soon as possible is a high priority.

First look: Sabaa Tahir’s new standalone novel is an epic love letter to the desert

I’m common as muck and spent £150 in a Michelin star restaurant to see if it was worth it

The Resignation Checklist: 25 Sneaky Ways To Bleed Your Employer Dry Before Quitting

Doctors’ worst fears about the Texas abortion law are coming true. I’m really worried for my friends in Texas and their families. The attacks on women and trans kids and their families are all part of a bigger campaign and it’s incredibly scary and terrible.


Iranian refugee Mehdi Ali released after nine years in Australian immigration detention. It’s despicable that so many developed countries are so inhumane towards refugees. It really scours away what little faith I have in humanity.

Scalzi is singing my song at “Go Fuck Yourself” and The World Today

Followed up by: The End of an Era (Again): “I don’t regret these terrible people being lost at sea, rhetorically speaking. I hope they drown there.”

Researcher illuminates a Jewish doctor’s Holocaust experiences

Public Health in the Vilna Ghetto as a Form of Jewish Resistance

The Warsaw ghetto hunger study

6 Responses to “Good Things Friday (158) and Link Love”

  1. teresa says:

    sigh. The story told in the NPR article about TX? Is exactly how Savita Halappanavar died in Ireland just before the appeal the 8th movement took off. Do we really need someone to die in TX to prove bodies are the same everywhere?

    I saw the Sabaa Tahir book in a store yesterday and knew I knew her name but didn’t register how. Now I ordered it 🙂

    • Revanche says:

      I thought it sounded similar. The sad thing is that the legislature pushing this stuff in TX wouldn’t care if a woman died. :/ They’re so awful.

      YAY! I hope you love it! Did you read her quartet? I think I shared them here too!

  2. teresa says:

    Yeah they’re very clear that they don’t care at all. Even if you point out that a fetus also dies with the owner of its uterus

    I just recently read the quartet after seeing it mentioned in the acknowledgment section of a deadly education

  3. teresa says:

    A good thing update: I tore through All My Rage in one sitting on a plane today and it was incredible. Obviously it’s a completely different book to the quartet but I liked it better actually. Thanks!

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