By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (165) and Link Love

April 22, 2022

1. We bought an apple pie from a bakery on Monday and we’ve been sharing a big slice for dessert each night since. $23 for a treat all week.

2. PiC also had surprise cheesecake happen earlier this week and it tasted like the Real Thing. I haven’t had that in a while. Nomz.

Giving: Child and Family Relief – feeding families in Afghanistan.

Cars are more expensive than expected, Quiara needs a bit more help to get over the hump for their move out of Arkansas.

Challenges this week: Childcare. Please. But no, none for us because ….

Vaccines for under-5s, please.

Still zero reliable news on our vaccine prospects. It’s so incredibly frustrating to both of us here and all of our circle who are Still Waiting.  Yesterday there was a flurry of news saying “maybe June” but they’ve been saying that since December. “Maybe Jan. Maybe Feb. Data in early April!” The goalposts keep moving and I just cannot keep hoping.

Just a little link love

We had a laugh about the Grizzly Bear Conflict Manager but I missed Scalzi’s short story about it so thanks to Cloud for that link!

I’m almost embarrassingly (almost because really there’s no shame about it) all about Sanrio and I love these blue Hello Kitty shoes due for release in May. Unlikely to try for them, I’ve no idea how much they cost but I like looking!

I enjoyed this TedX talk: Grammar, Identity, and the Dark Side of the Subjunctive: Phuc Tran at TEDxDirigo

I was not prepared for this but wow is it funny. Also I don’t think they ever got back to the cannibalism explanation for a 6 year old: The 1969 Easter Mass Incident

A number of seemingly decent recommendations given our reality but I have my doubts that any of them would be implemented. And there still aren’t any decent ideas on how to protect those of us vulnerable to severe outcomes. Herd immunity now seems impossible. Welcome to the age of Covid reinfection

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (165) and Link Love”

  1. eemusings says:

    Impressed by yall’s self-control and making it last all week!


    • Revanche says:

      Hah, thanks! JB was SHOCKED that we ran out of pie at the end of the week. “I thought we had half a pie left!”

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