By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (189) and Link Love

October 7, 2022

1. PiC’s bike had a flat (boo) but I remembered that I had run across an old REI gift card circa 2018 when I was working on some other chores. It covered the two inner tubes with 89 cents to spare. Since gift cards don’t expire, back into the bin it goes until the next REI adventure calls!

2. I’ve balanced our planned income and expenses for the rest of the year. I just need to adjust one rough spot where we’ll be short $700, briefly. It may be a matter of timing of debits and credits but we’ll see. Fingers crossed!

3. Our 2023 spreadsheet is set up and ready to go when January rolls around. There is something deeply satisfying about having a fresh spreadsheet waiting to be populated. At least for something I enjoy populating.

4. I took some notes from this chili recipe, and a couple on the fly liberties, to modify my current favorite chili recipe: omit water entirely, use baking soda with the beef, spice the cooking ground meat first before adding the liquidy ingredients and it produced quite a tasty chili. I had every intention of saving half to freeze but the family ate it all by Day 2.

Just a little link love

Air Canada tells Toronto man his wheelchair is too big to fly

Congratulations on Your Divorce

Stories like these are why I’m nervous about PiC and Smol bike commuting. So many drivers are reckless and assholes here.

Same-sex couples from China are getting married in Utah over Zoom

The FIRE Movement’s Fatphobia Problem.

Project To Be Unveiled In LA Names Every Japanese American Incarcerated During WWII

What the hell is wrong with the local and regional and state governments in Jackson? Their water crisis is bad enough, now the citizens are facing this nonsense: Jackson Garbage Collection to ‘Cease’ Indefinitely, Putting 150,000 Residents At Risk

In Fort Myers, Black Residents Fear Hurricane Aid Will Bypass Their Neighborhoods

I had hidden my physical limitations for so many years, and been treated terribly by certain relatives when I did share some of my reality, that when I was visibly impaired with my first pregnancy and thoughtful friends asked me if I needed to sit and rest, I was completely taken aback. I didn’t know how to process even the slightest indication of being cared about by people who weren’t my husband: How to Invite a Disabled Friend Over.

Inside Keffals’ Battle to Bring Down Kiwi Farms

Performative, indeed. I always wanted to fly first class internationally once, for the food and luxury of sleeping in less contorted positions, but this article makes it seem even more ridiculous: The airline industry is in trouble. Is bottomless caviar the answer? I would still like to travel in better than economy class next time we have to travel, though. Anything to take the edge off traveling with young KIDS.

6 Responses to “Good Things Friday (189) and Link Love”

  1. Sun says:

    FYI – in CA, gift cards with $10 or less value can be redeemed for cash. There are certain restrictions, like they have to be for specific stores/chains, so no mall gift cards or Visa/Mastercard/etc. gift cards and it can’t be a discounted GC (eg. buy a $20 GC, get a $5 GC). You could have gotten your $0.89 back in cash, vs. trying to remember that you have a GC with a small balance left.

  2. 'Snough says:

    Thanks for the link to the Cup of Jo article; that’s a really good reminder/set of advice!!

  3. SP says:

    Awww, I love a fresh spreadsheet! I finally caught up with my 2022 spreadsheet!

    Happy fall!

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