By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (193) and Link Love

November 4, 2022

1. Safeway had a random free box of salad coupon and PiC snapped that right up.

2. We visited one set of family friends and hosted another. I might not walk again for two weeks but it was a LOT of fun.

3. JB got their booster! Now we need an approved booster for Smol Acrobat so we have a complete set of double boosters for all 4 of us.

Challenges this week: Sick again 🤢😷

Protect the Indian Child Welfare Act

Cat mommy introduces her kittens to her human mom

I had heard of the Awesome Socks before, not sure where, but I didn’t know about their amazing partnerships and donations to help people. Now that’s a good reason to run a business, I think.

My dear friend Ruth’s All Clothing Is Handmade. Very thoughtful thoughts on textiles and the clothing industry.

My Teenage Years With the Black Panthers

Just a little link love

Mikki Kendall: I made it big on Twitter. Now I don’t think I can stay. As a not public person, I was more insulated than not from the worst drawbacks of Twitter. As a mostly private person, I’ve benefited a lot from Twitter. I made or cemented friendships through Twitter, learned so much about the LGBTQA community that I wouldn’t have learned in my offline only life, enjoyed having virtual company when bed-bound, desk-bound, home-bound. I’m going to miss that connectedness the most when and if Twitter is destroyed.

I won’t gravitate to TikTok or Instagram, I hate them both, so there isn’t much of a good alternate option.

There are options but none of them quite work in a similar open way that Twitter works. There’s a LOT about Twitter that is toxic and I wish those things fixed, not Twitter crashed.

This headline started me daydreaming about spending: Powerball balloons to $1.5 billion without Wednesday jackpot winner. I’d pay off our mortgage (0.5M). I’d set up a trust or something like it for vulnerable disabled friends to draw on for income (10M). Invest enough for us to retire on ($5M to insure against my worries about affording healthcare). Put some aside for building an intentional community someday (10M for initial buy, building, continued maintenance). Set up a $1k monthly donation to so many charities and causes we currently support: animal shelter, homeless shelter, Navajo Water Project, KIND, abortion funds, The Human Utility, the Young Center, World Central Kitchen, Aseel. 10M for 30 years.

Go sit down with the folks at One Spirit and engineers and other experts to find out what would be needed to build environmentally responsible roads and infrastructure to provide public transportation, free community food and clothing stores and libraries with internet access. 50M?

Work with folks who know something about mitigating climate change. I might be out of money by then, though. Wait no, that’s only about 85M I’ve spent. There’s plenty more to do plenty more. Internet access for rural areas, filling up libraries with books and good stuff for patrons, helping animal rescues, helping foster kids and seniors… Pretty sure spending that billion would be about six full time jobs. But it’s fun to dream.

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (193) and Link Love”

  1. NZ Muse says:

    Ugh Twitter is still my fave and I’m gutted. Not giving up yet though.

    those penguins!! <3

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