By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (196) and Link Love

November 25, 2022

1. Thanksgiving dinner was really tasty but two hours behind schedule. I was really looking forward to a 3 pm seating and a 6 pm follow up.

Just a little link love

Arnold Schwarzenegger to Neo-Nazis: Your Heroes Are Losers:

He then turned his attention to the hate groups. “I have a message to the Neo-Nazis, the White Nationalists and the neo-Confederates. Let me be just as blunt as possible: Your heroes are losers. You’re supporting a lost cause.”

“Believe me, I know the original Nazis. I was born in Austria in 1947, shortly after the Second World War, and growing up I was surrounded by broken men,” he continued. “Men who came home from the war filled with shrapnel and guilt, men who were misled into a losing ideology. And I can tell you that these ghosts that you idolize spent the rest of their lives living in shame. And right now, they’re resting in hell.”

Honestly there is no justice, is there? I can’t believe that police can decide that how you come across in a phone call for help determines your guilt. I sound ICE COLD in an emergency, when I’m at my most fearful for my family’s safety, according to friends. That doesn’t make me guilty! That’s not a good indicator of anything! How Jessica Logan’s Call for Help Became Evidence Against Her

I’m so glad the rice truck thread is available at a stable location. It makes me laugh every time I read it.

Joy Lives In The Body, Too by DJ Older

These Summer Lightning hoop earrings are so beautiful

Crystal Clear Pumpkin Pie sounds terrible! Why would you take a tasty filling away and give us gelatin that tasted like that former filling instead??

4 Responses to “Good Things Friday (196) and Link Love”

  1. Bethh says:

    Ha! I missed the rice truck thread – amazing!

    I think I’d like to try a meal at Alinea because it all sounds so interesting, but I’m sure the price would make it a lot less fun for me. Ah well, I can just imagine (and be glad I don’t have to eat clear pie).

    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a solid set of leftovers.

    • Revanche says:

      I’ve been enjoying old fantastic threads with a great deal of nostalgia.

      Hehe I wouldn’t mind trying OTHER food there (on someone else’s dime perhaps) but I draw the line at that clear pie.

      Happy Thanksgiving! We did have a great set of leftovers. Really felt like I was getting the essence of the meal by today. 😄

  2. Karen says:

    I love the rice truck thread! Shiv is a good writer.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

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