By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (198) and Link Love

December 9, 2022

1. $76 saved! I trimmed JB’s hair, cut Smol Acrobat’s hair, and cleaned up PiC’s self haircut and saved us the cost of two cuts and a trim.

2. My last purchase at CVS before cancelling Carepass: three toothbrushes ($16.77) – $3 off $10 Colgate purchase – $10 off max single item (no idea why they applied the full $10 to three items but I am not objecting) + tax = $4.66 with free shipping. Pretty good considering how pricy the extra soft toothbrushes are!

3. One of the TMobile Tuesday rewards came in handy: the BOGO on Jamba Juice. The kids love it, and we adults appreciate it too, but it’s too rich for our blood to have on the treat rotation. BOGO works, though!

Challenges this week: Smol’s on their third virus in a row in less than three weeks. I am very tired.

Finding ibuprofen and acetaminophen (I usually buy generic) took over an hour to find a store that had both in stock at a close enough location that would be feasible for pick up. Nearly everything was unavailable for shipping from Target, CVS, and Walgreens. Considering how many times Smol has caught something, we’re going to need this.

Just a little link love

I very much enjoyed Akiva Cohen’s demand letter (he’s very fun on Twitter when people I know get into mock trials): Lawyer Threatens Elon Musk’s Personal Wealth In Epic Demand Letter

HUMAN SUCCESSION: The shaman from Bad Dürrenberg

11 Responses to “Good Things Friday (198) and Link Love”

  1. 'Snough says:

    Way to go on cutting everyone’s hair! It not only costs less, but takes less overall time and hassle, I’ve found. I finally started cutting my own hair, too — so, so, so (so!) nerve-racking at first, but now I love doing it.

    • DH taught himself how to cut his own hair using youtube videos during the pandemic and he hasn’t gone back to the barber because he gives himself much better haircuts than the barber ever did. He also cuts DC1 but isn’t as good at it (often times I have to send DC1 back because he’s been given a bowl cut.)

      I’ve been getting trims from him as well, but someday need to actually get a nice haircut from a professional again. DC2 refuses haircuts, even trims. She seems to be cursed with my not very long natural length (just long enough to be a pain when trying to sit up in bed) but is still hopeful.

      • Revanche says:

        I got my one professional haircut post-pandemic and asked her to cut it as short as possible in case I didn’t go back again for a while. I didn’t like being unmasked for it.

        I’m going to enjoy the frugality aspect of home cuts for as long as I can before the kids start noticing how terrible they actually are. XD

    • Revanche says:

      @Snough: I think it’s faster when one of your subjects isn’t a squirrel (SMOL). XD But it does save dragging us out and back, though there’s the clean up time to factor in.

      I suppose I ought to try cutting my own one of these days.

  2. Bethany D says:

    Glad you finally found Smol’s meds! They have to run out of new sicknesses eventually, right? Please??? I didn’t realize our liquid Tylenol had expired until I reached for it when our youngest’s temp hit 102° on Wednesday. 🙁 Trekked to 3 different stores before finally finding one with a few bottles of plain kid ibuprofen in stock, then circled back to the first store to settle for a combo-syrup with acetaminophen. (Next time I’m following your example and checking online first!) But at least a single dose of ibuprofen broke the fever and she’s been on the mend ever since. 🙂

    • Revanche says:

      You would THINK so, wouldn’t you? I sure did. I have, thus far, been wrong DX

      We did use expired Tylenol (it wasn’t TOO expired), it’s just the half life of the med’s efficacy, but thankfully we also got the backup Tylenol a few weeks backs so when the old stuff ran out, we had the new on hand. Course, we’re halfway through THAT now too! *sob*

      Really glad that her fever already broke, and may this germ-proof her for the rest of the season *fingers crossed*

  3. Alice says:

    Do you have a Costco membership, or am I thinking of someone else? Costco has children’s Tylenol listed, but as “warehouse only” here.

    For hair, we’re a mix. Husband: DIY. Me: nothing, unnerved by apparent lack of hair growth since 2020. Daughter: one kitchen cut, hair now waist length.

    Said daughter threw up in the middle of the night, and most likely got it from school– apparently someone threw up in class late last week. I’d hoped that we managed to escape it, but apparently not. We’re currently in the phase of the post-vomit protocol where I’m giving her tiny amounts of Powerade and jello every 15 minutes and she’s complaining that she’s So So Thirsty, Can’t I Have More Now. Hopefully she continues to keep it down and I can start giving her more to drink and then escalate to rice.

    • Revanche says:

      We do! Normally you can find it on the website listed as warehouse only here too, but it’s not even on the site now. We’ll look when we go next to see if it’s a match.

      Huh that IS unnerving. We’re supposed to grow a few inches a year, aren’t we? I’m impressed your daughter can handle waist length. I hated mine at that length.

      My fingers are crossed for y’all that she’s able to keep it all down❤️

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