By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (200) and Link Love

December 23, 2022

1. I hate having to ask for help but the kids were both sick and we needed to know we had enough medication for them both. I had to put out a call to some friends to see if they could get a line on more meds. We were so lucky they happened to have extra!

Challenges this week: everyone is so sick and tired.

Just a little link love

CULTURE FORWARD: A Strengths and Culture Based Tool to Protect our Native Youth from Suicide

@MsKellyMHayes: Big ask: The Woodland Women’s Group on my reservation is on the verge of securing a much-needed physical space for their cultural ed, crafting circles & mutual aid. This would be a dream come true. They need to raise $10K. Who can help me make this happen?

Why Would Prisons Ban My Book? Absurdities Rule the System: “Many prison systems ban reading materials because of their formats: No hardbacks! No pop-ups! But often, it’s the content they object to — except when they don’t. Only a handful of prison systems ban Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.””

I’m just a few years behind Cat but for various reasons, didn’t have the opportunity to get stuck into an online community until blogs and Google Reader, Fatwallet Forums which I still miss, and Twitter but this rage rings true to me. This is a real loss for a lot of us: Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things: Three Decades of Survival in the Desert of Social Media

A National Tantrum at a National Park

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (200) and Link Love”

  1. The revolving shortages of everything are so weird and even weirder where they do and don’t hit (we have no shortages of kid meds here except if you want grape flavor instead of bubble gum?). I hope you and your kids are feeling better!

    • Revanche says:

      Thank you! We’re a little better but JB was the latest one to go back down with a virus so we’re still limping along. I was surprised to learn that Smol Acrobat hates bubblegum flavor, recently, so now I have to only buy grape and berry 🤷‍♀️ I hope I can find some more!

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