By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (201) and Link Love

December 30, 2022

1. Did you know that Gouda cheese also comes in sticks? I did not. And it was on sale!

Challenges this week: Very tired. Feel terrible.

Just a little link love

I appreciated Elizabeth Sampat’s non-specific guide: How to get the perfect gift for anyone

Megan Thee Stallion Isn’t The One On Trial: If Black women know that they will be the ones mocked and put on trial when they are harmed, then no one will speak up and the cone of silence around abuse in the community continues to thrive. And most frighteningly, the status quo that protects men is preserved.

A chance encounter and mother’s intuition: How 2 Indy women helped find missing Ohio twin

Ten COVID Facts Health Officials Dangerously Downplay

Anna Borkowska was the mother superior of a small convent of nine Dominican nuns located near Kolonia Wilenska, on the road leading from Vilna to Vileika.

Čhaŋkpé Ópi Owíčhakte Wičhúŋkiksuyapi: We Remember the Wounded Knee Massacre

3 Responses to “Good Things Friday (201) and Link Love”

  1. 'Snough says:

    I liked Sampat’s gift advice, although this year I deliberately punted on figuring out what other people wanted. Instead, I just decided they were all getting something they knew was very *me*, that I thought other people might enjoy. In particular, I got them mathematical (complex analysis) coloring books, made by people I know and have been at conferences with; I also got them erasable colored pencils, good erasers, and pencil sharpeners I like.

    It’s a bit goofy, I know: it puts Sampat’s advice on its head, by giving people something the *giver* values. Fortunately, my family is a heck of a lot nicer than Sampat’s. (Geez).

    • Revanche says:

      Oh, I love that twist! It’s both you plus a generally fun thing to do anyway and that adds up to a great gift IMO. Plus you know I have a real soft spot for good office supplies 😉

    • NZ Muse says:

      How cool! Love that.

      I am glad as an adult that we are not gift givers in my circles. But I think I’m not bad generally. Or maybe I’m still coasting on the custom engraved pen i got my old boss (‘MC GRAMMAR’) at the magazine as it fell to me or nobody would have done it because her bosses had turned on her by then.

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