By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (202) and Link Love

January 6, 2023

1.Mutual aid needed: GoFundMe for a family whose home was destroyed by fire the week before Christmas.

2. I hope this doesn’t jinx us but Smol Acrobat has willingly and voluntarily (as in, ate it themselves instead of having to be coaxed) eaten full meals three nights this week: a starch, protein and veggie! This is big.

3. In scraping the silver stuff that covers the access code on a Target gift card, a whole chunk of the sticker with the numbers came off too. Unfortunately a chunk that I needed! I wrote down all the numbers I could see clearly and then manually tested every single permutation of numbers to find the access code. I found it!

4. I need to remember this more often. I frequently struggle with seeing my progress when it does happen:

Challenges this week: insomnia is a terrible foe.

Just a little link love

Crew Dog/One Sick Vet’s 2023 New Year’s Resolution is a really good one.

Purple continues to have a much more fun time of it: The Month Of Holiday Cheer: December 2022 Recap

This fanfic of Ask A Manager is delightful: my wife doesn’t know I hench, the evil sex ray made my employees do it, and more

I’ve shared an article on this subject before but pretty sure this is a different, also horrifying, one. How is this ok??: They Called 911 for Help. Police and Prosecutors Used a New Junk Science to Decide They Were Liars.

This is an old article from 2011 that’s still valid today and churns my stomach to think of our next generation of kids growing up in a world where they won’t be protected and there won’t be justice for them if they’re raped: Unsilenced: How this mother fought to protect her daughter… and yours.

That old article resurfaced because of this article: A newspaper vanished from the internet. Did someone pay to kill it?Hayao Miyazaki Meets Akira Kurosawa: Watch the Titans of Japanese Film in Conversation (1993)

Lots of old articles today. I categorically disagree with this one. At least for me. Money is money, I don’t even care about $2 bills the way I used to (a little). This would just cause me to spend more: You should always keep a $100 bill in your wallet, a psychologist says. Here’s why experts agree“If you carry around a $50 or $100 bill, you might be saving money without even trying.How so? We tend to think twice before breaking bigger bills because we see them as “special money,” explains Dr. Mary Gresham, an Atlanta-based psychologist.”

I would normally just link to this thread but since I don’t know how long we’ll have Twitter, I’m going with the long screenshot. I hope it’s readable. Such a sweet story about this octopus friend.

8 Responses to “Good Things Friday (202) and Link Love”

  1. Bethh says:

    !!!!! That octopus story is delightful. Thank you so much for sharing it. Just … wow. There’s so much we don’t know.

    I hope Smol keeps up eating well!

    • Revanche says:

      I’m so glad others enjoy that story, it’s so delightful.

      Thank you, my fingers are crossed this is a new development that sticks.

  2. J. Money says:

    Very cool octopus story 🙂

  3. Bethany D says:

    Thanks for the Progress quote, I needed to hear it as I’m still struggling to regain equilibrium after the holiday break. It were absolutely wonderful (we got to see lots of relatives and nobody got sick afterwards!) but now I’m doing 2 steps forward, 2 back and 1 sideways in a little stress-mess cha-cha-cha.

    Props to Revanche for codecracking your way to gift card success! *Oceans Eleven soundtrack plays in background*

    • Revanche says:

      That’s the exact dance I feel stuck in! I’m going to revisit that quote a lot this month, I suspect.


  4. NZ Muse says:

    Love that progress quote!

    And wow wow wow the octopus saga. I just learned (via Spud) that they can change colour the other day. How amazing that they can literally physically emote so visibly…mind blown <3

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